CBD Benefits

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What benefits does CBD oil have?

The Multifaceted Benefits of CBD

In an era where wellness trends fluctuate with the seasons, CBD has stood its ground as a cornerstone of natural health and well-being. The compound, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, has garnered acclaim for its potential to alleviate an array of conditions, forging a path for a return to plant-based wholesomeness in our daily lives.

Understanding CBD and Its Origins

Cannabidiol, commonly referred to as CBD, is one of over a hundred cannabinoids found within the hemp plant, a variant of the Cannabis sativa species. Unlike its psychoactive counterpart, THC, CBD does not induce a ‘high,’ making it a suitable choice for those seeking the therapeutic attributes of cannabis without its mind-altering effects.

Full-Spectrum CBD Benefits

Full-spectrum CBD products contain a complete range of cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, including trace amounts of THC, alongside a plethora of beneficial compounds like terpenes and flavonoids. This full-spectrum approach is believed to contribute to the ‘entourage effect,’ where the combined action of cannabis compounds is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

Most common Health Benefits of CBD


People who use prescription or over-the-counter drugs to treat stiffness and chronic pain say that CBD oil is a more natural way to relieve pain. CBD is already used to treat diseases like multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia that cause long-term pain. We have to keep in mind that inflammation is the cause of many diseases, like arthritis and Bronchitis and everyday aches and pains. When inflammation lasts for a long time, our immune system stops protecting us and starts hurting us. When our cells and general health are under constant “attack” from things like food, drink, pollution, and stress, these things are called “free radicals.” This can be fixed with CBD oil, which can also help treat pain.


CBD is now being researched for its potential use in the treatment of epilepsy and other neuropsychiatric conditions. It has been demonstrated that one of the health benefits of CBD is an anti-seizure characteristic that does not cause any negative side effects for individuals who suffer from epilepsy. According to the findings of several studies on the effects of CBD on neurological conditions, the compound might be useful in the treatment of a number of conditions that are associated with epilepsy and neurodegeneration. Learn more about the benefits of CBD for ADHD here.


CBD has been looked at for its use as an anti-cancer agent. A study has noted that CBD could block cancer cells from spreading around the body. The study say that CBD tends to suppress the growth of cancer cells. Furthermore, it promotes the death of these cells. Researchers see that CBD oil can help in cancer treatment because of its low toxicity levels. It could benefit cancer patients in their daily lives by making the side effects of conventional cancer treatment easier or less.  CBD alone CANNOT cure cancer, but helping to prevent cancer adds to the health benefits of CBD oil. Read more about CBD and Cancer here


CBD could help people in the early stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Preventing them from losing their ability to recognize the faces of people that they know. CBD could slow down the progress of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. There are three ways CBD oil can work to improve health outcomes for persons with dementia. 1. Reducing inflammation. 2. Reducing oxygen build up. 3.  Working as a brain stimulant and neuroprotective. CBD may reduce stress and anxiety in the person with dementia, as well as reduce the decline of memory and other brain functions


It is a natural option to use  CBG/CBD oil, and other similar supplements to sleeping better. Furthermore, to deal with the constant stream of worry-filled thoughts associated with emotional problems. A 2013 study revealed that daily intake of CBD could trigger the regeneration of neurons in the hippocampus. The hippocampus is a brain region responsible for cognition and memory. If you are in a constant state of stress, the body produces more cortisol (hormone) which can have a bad impact on your health. CBD oil is naturally lowering the levels of cortisol in your blood. Vaping CBD could also make you feel more calm and relaxed.


What scientists know is that cannabinoids interact with endocannabinoid receptors. They are located in the central and peripheral nervous systems. They help maintain balance in the body (homeostasis) and keep it in a normal, healthy state. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system – therefore CBD oil can help our beloved pets exactly the same way it can help us. Better life quality by taking away the pains of growing old, calming effects on fears, and helping out treating tumours. If you want to know more specifics about CBD oil and pets, head over to our Pet page


People with anxiety may have many health benefits from taking CBD oil. A study from Neurotherapy confirms that CBG can help reduce anxiety experienced by people with certain anxiety disorders. The researchers point to studies showing that CBD can reduce anxious feelings such as


CBD could be a way to treat different kinds of long-term pain. Using an animal model, a study in the European Journal of Pain found that putting CBD on the skin could help reduce joint pain and swelling. Another study showed how CBD stops inflammation and neuropathic pain, which are two of the hardest types of long-term pain to treat. The researchers also found that people were not likely to get used to CBD’s effects. Hence, why they wouldn’t have to keep upping their dose. They said that CBD products could help treat people with chronic pain in new ways.


CBD has already been looked at in terms of how it affects sleep. One study found that CBD lengthened sleep, especially deep sleep.

It was found that CBD oil changes not only how easy it is to fall asleep and how long we sleep, but also the way our sleep cycles work. CBD makes the third sleep phase last longer and makes REM sleep shorter. The third part is the most important one for people with sleep disorders. Dreams happen during the REM stage. Depressions are less likely to happen when REM sleep is shorter.

During sleep, blood tests showed that CBD oil changed the amount of dopamine in the blood. This helps you feel calmer and sleep better.

Studies have also shown that CBD makes people more awake. This seems to go against what we just said, and it doesn’t sound good if you’re trying to get a better night’s sleep. However, this difference in effect may be due to the different amounts of CBD that were given. In one study, a smaller amount of CBD was used, while in the other, a higher amount was used.


Health is homeostasis. Homeostasis is an internal feedback system that stabilizes and balances our body’s chemistry so that our organs work smoothly and efficiently with each other. Sickness is the disruption of homeostasis, which doctors treat with medicine.

The endocannabinoid system works to maintain homeostasis by using cannabinoid receptors to monitor reactions in the body. When a discrepancy is detected, cannabinoids are synthesized to interact with the receptors.

The difference between cannabinoid receptors and other receptors in the body is that they use two-way communication.  The introduction of CBD oil into this system can increase the effectiveness of the endocannabinoid system. Thus, your body’s ability to remain in balance and achieve optimal health is enhanced.


A promising use for CBD is like a new treatment for acne. Acne is caused, in part, by inflammation and overworked sebaceous glands on the body. A recent study submitted to the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that CBD helps lower the production of sebum leading to acne, partly because of its anti-inflammatory effect on the body. CBD has been proven to help patients with psoriasis and eczema, as both are an inflammatory condition of the skin.



Still, early days and more studies are needed. But CBD could have the ability to help control blood sugar levels in people with Diabetes 2. In one study, researchers tested CBD on mice with less blood flow to the brain, a complication of diabetes for some people. They found that CBD:

  • Cut down hyperglycaemia (high blood sugar)
  • Lowered cholesterol and “bad fat” levels
  • Upped insulin production

Lesser known benefits of CBD

Give Your Workout a Boost

Some fitness enthusiasts use CBD to possibly help with recovery after a tough workout. It’s thought that its anti-inflammatory properties could help ease muscle soreness, meaning it might help you get back to the gym quicker.

Help With ‘Brain Fog’

We’ve all had those days where our brain feels like it’s wading through treacle. Some people find that CBD helps clear the mist, potentially improving focus and clarity without the jitters you might get from a strong coffee.

Support Gut Health

There’s some chatter about CBD potentially being good for your gut. Its possible anti-inflammatory properties might help calm down an upset digestive system, making it something to consider for those days when your stomach is throwing a bit of a tantrum.

Your Skin Routine’s Secret Weapon

Beyond helping with spots or redness, CBD could potentially support overall skin health thanks to its antioxidant properties. Some say it might even help keep your skin looking youthful and fresh.

Plays a Role in Bone Health

Some studies suggest CBD might help bones mend, which could be good news if you’re a bit accident-prone or into sports where the odd tumble is part of the fun.

CBD for osteoporosis

Glamorous Hair Health

There’s talk that CBD oil could be good for your hair, helping to strengthen it and keep it shiny. So it could be worth adding to your hair care routine if you fancy giving your locks some love.

Ease Menstrual Discomfort

Some women are turning to CBD to help with the aches and pains that come with their monthly cycle. It’s not a cure-all, but it might just take the edge off.

Videos about the Benefits of CBD

How can CBD Help Inflammation?

Benefits of CBD for Horses

Benefits of CBD massage oil

Benefits of CBD for pain

Benefits of CBD Balm

Benefits of CBD for Sports

Surprising Benefits of CBD


CBD has been studied for its role in helping protect the brain. Researchers are looking into how CBD might help with conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. While it’s early days, the idea is that CBD might help by calming brain inflammation and helping to keep nerve cells healthy.


For those battling with spots, CBD could be a new friend. It’s thought that its anti-inflammatory properties can help calm the skin and reduce the production of sebum, the oil that can mix with dead skin cells and block your pores.

Antipsychotic Effects

CBD might help folks who are dealing with mental health issues like schizophrenia. It seems to have a calming effect on the brain, which could reduce psychotic symptoms.

Substance Abuse Treatment

CBD has shown some promise in changing the circuits in the brain related to drug addiction. In rats, CBD has been seen to reduce the dependence on morphine and reduce opioid-seeking behavior.

Anti-tumour Effects

Now, this is a big one and research is very much ongoing, but there have been studies that suggest CBD might help prevent the growth of tumors. This could be a game-changer in the fight against cancer down the line.

Read more about CBD for cancer

CBD for treatment of ALS

Potential Benefits of CBD for ALS Patients

  • Muscle Relaxation: ALS patients often experience muscle stiffness. CBD has been observed to help relax muscles, potentially providing comfort.
  • Pain Relief: Chronic pain is a common issue in ALS due to muscle spasms and joint stress. CBD’s analgesic properties may alleviate pain, enhancing patient comfort.
  • Improved Sleep: Sleep disturbances are frequent in ALS. CBD may aid in improving sleep patterns, allowing for more restful nights.
  • Appetite Stimulation: ALS can lead to appetite loss. CBD may stimulate appetite, helping patients maintain their nutritional intake.
  • Mood Regulation: The emotional toll of ALS is considerable. CBD has been associated with alleviating anxiety and depression, contributing to a better mood and quality of life.

CBD helping PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex and often debilitating condition that can arise after exposure to a traumatic event. Characterised by intrusive memories, heightened anxiety, and a persistent sense of unease, PTSD can significantly impair an individual’s daily life.

CBD’s influence on the body’s endocannabinoid system, which plays a pivotal role in regulating mood and stress response, positions it as a promising candidate for managing PTSD symptoms. It’s thought to act on various neural pathways involved in the condition, potentially offering relief without the psychoactive effects associated with cannabis.

Epilepsy and CBD products

Clinical trials have shone a light on CBD’s efficacy, leading to the approval of Epidiolex, a purified CBD extract, by regulatory agencies for the treatment of certain types of epilepsy. This marks a significant milestone in recognising CBD as a legitimate therapeutic option in the field of neurology.

While the exact mechanisms by which CBD exerts its antiepileptic effects are not fully understood, it is believed to involve the modulation of the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating neuronal excitability. By influencing this system, CBD may help to stabilise neurological activity and prevent seizure episodes.

CBD for heart Health

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the number one cause of death globally, making the potential impact of CBD on heart health a significant area of interest. Studies suggest that CBD may offer several benefits for the cardiovascular system:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Actions: Chronic inflammation is a key player in atherosclerosis, a condition that leads to hardened and narrowed arteries. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties could potentially reduce this risk.
  • Blood Pressure Regulation: High blood pressure is a notorious risk factor for heart disease. CBD has been observed to exert a vasorelaxant effect, which may help in lowering blood pressure during stressful situations.
  • Arrhythmia Reduction: An irregular heartbeat, or arrhythmia, can lead to severe heart conditions. CBD has shown promise in preclinical studies for its potential to reduce arrhythmias.
  • Stroke Protection: By exerting neuroprotective and antioxidative effects, CBD may reduce the size of the area affected by a stroke and support recovery.

Read more about CBD for stroke patients

CBD and Covid and health

Reduces Oxidative Stress

Bodily ailments can often trace their roots to oxidative stress, a sneaky saboteur of health. This internal rusting sets in when the body is swamped by rogue molecules, known as free radicals, and its defences to neutralise them fall behind. Here’s where the virtue of CBD strides in. Delving into the pages of a 2010 scholarly review, CBD emerges as a valiant antioxidant. Another research narrative finds CBD’s capabilities to shield brain health, suggesting it can curb the neural wreckage wrought by free radicals.


It’s really important to remember that while these benefits are potential and exciting, CBD isn’t a cure-all magic potion. Lots of the research is still new and being worked on. But isn’t it fascinating to think that this one plant could have so many possible benefits? As always, it’s crucial to chat with a doctor or cannabis expert before diving into CBD, especially if you’ve got existing health conditions or you’re on other meds.

How Does CBD work?


CBD, or cannabidiol, is like a key that fits into special locks in our body, these locks are called receptors. We’ve got loads of these receptors all over our body, and together they make up something called the endocannabinoid system (ECS for short). Think of the ECS as a big network that helps keep our body in balance, it’s involved in all sorts of things like how we feel pain, our mood, and how well we sleep.

When you use CBD, it doesn’t buzz the brain like THC (that’s the stuff in cannabis that gets you high). Instead, it’s more like a calming cuppa for your body. It helps by supporting the ECS, and this can lead to a bunch of benefits like taking the edge off pain, helping you feel less stressed, and could even make getting to sleep easier.

Because it’s not about flipping a switch in your brain, you won’t feel suddenly and unnaturally happy or zonked out. It’s more about CBD giving your body a gentle nudge to do what it does naturally, but a bit better. That’s why a lot of folks find CBD to be a subtle addition to their wellness routine, rather than a drastic change.

It’s also why you’ll hear stories about CBD helping in different ways. Since the ECS is a bit of a multitasker, maintaining balance in various areas, CBD’s support to the system can have a variety of effects. But remember, it’s not a miracle cure. It’s more like a mate that’s got your back, helping your body to keep ticking along nicely.

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