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Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

What are terpenes?

Terpenes, found in a wide variety of plants including cannabis, fruits, vegetables, and herbs, make up a large class of organic plant parts. They impart unique smells and tastes to these plants and have served for hundreds of years for their healing effects.

In the cannabis plant, the same glands that produce cannabinoids also make terpenes. Many believe that terpenes and cannabinoids work together to make the healing effects of cannabinoids. Researchers have identified over 100 different terpenes in cannabis, each with a unique smell and potential health benefits.

Do terpenes have medicinal effects

Terpenes, with their array of potential medicinal effects, are truly fascinating! While scientists are still testing, the early research is pretty exciting. They’re looking into how terpenes might help with inflammation, pain, anxiety, and even depression. That’s a pretty impressive list, right?

Let’s take a closer look at a few examples. There’s limonene, which has this zesty citrus smell. Researchers have found it might help with inflammation, making it a potential buddy for treating arthritis and similar conditions. Then, there’s myrcene, which has a kind of earthy, musky scent. This one could be a game changer for people who have trouble sleeping or who feel anxious, as it’s known for its calming effects. And don’t forget about pinene – it smells just like a pine forest and might be a big help for people with asthma or other lung issues because it helps open up airways.

But here’s where it gets even more interesting. Terpenes don’t just work alone; they might team up with cannabinoids (those compounds in cannabis) to boost their therapeutic effects. This teamwork is known as the “entourage effect.” It’s like they’re joining forces to be more effective together than they would be on their own. This could mean a big step forward in treating various conditions using a more natural approach. How cool is that?

Some of the most common terpenes found in cannabis


Limonene, with its vibrant citrus scent, is more than just a delightful aroma. This terpene, common in citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges, also appears frequently in other plants, including cannabis. What makes limonene really stand out is its potential health benefits.

Limonene, known for its pleasant scent and taste, also offers a range of potential health benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effects: It could have anti-inflammatory effects, which could help treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  2. Anti-anxiety effects: Limonene works as anti-anxiety effects and may help reduce stress and make you feel more relaxed.
  3. Anti-depressant properties: Limonene has anti-depressant effects and may be useful in treating depression.
  4. Anti-cancer properties: Some studies have suggested that limonene may have anti-cancer properties and may be useful in preventing or treating certain types of cancer.
  5. Digestive health benefits: Limonene has digestive health benefits and may be useful in treating conditions such as heartburn and acid reflux.

Limonene can be found in many things, such as essential oils, foods, and skin care products. When used in aromatherapy, limonene can help improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation. When used topically, limonene can help to reduce inflammation and pain, and when used, it can help to support digestive health and overall well-being.


Myrcene really brings something special to the table with its musky scent. This terpene, notable for its unique aroma, is also believed to have some pretty impressive health benefits. People are looking into how it might work as a sedative, help with inflammation, and even relieve pain. You’ll find myrcene in a bunch of different plants – like mangoes, hops, and of course, cannabis. And in the cannabis world, it’s actually one of the most common terpenes out there. It’s not just about the smell; there’s a whole world of potential benefits packed into that musky scent!

Terpene myrcene has a very distinct smell, but it may also be good for your health in a number of ways. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Myrcene has sedative properties, which could help treat insomnia and make people feel more relaxed.
  2. Myrcene has anti-inflammatory effects and could be used to treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  3. Myrcene has pain-reducing effects.
  4. Anti-cancer properties: In studies, it shows that myrcene may have anti-cancer properties and may be useful in preventing or treating certain types of cancer.
  5. Anti-anxiety effects: Myrcene has anti-anxiety effects and may help reduce stress and make you feel more relaxed.

Myrcene can be found in many things, like essential oils, foods, and skin creams. When used in aromatherapy, myrcene can help promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety. When used on the skin, myrcene can help to reduce inflammation and pain.


Pinene, with its refreshing pine scent, is like a breath of fresh forest air. But there’s more to it than just a nice smell. This terpene, found in pine trees and other plants such as rosemary and basil, is believed to deliver significant health benefits. It is thought to help reduce inflammation and act as a bronchodilator, potentially aiding in opening up breathing passages. And when it comes to cannabis, pinene stands out as one of the most common terpenes. So, it’s not just about bringing that crisp, piney aroma – pinene might also be a big player in natural wellness!

The terpene Pinene has a pleasant smell, but it may also be good for your health in a number of ways. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Anti-inflammatory effects: It has anti-inflammatory effects, which could help treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  2. Bronchodilator properties: Pinene has bronchodilator properties, which could help treat breathing problems like asthma.
  3. Anti-cancer properties: It may have anti-cancer properties and may be useful in preventing or treating certain types of cancer.
  4. Anti-microbial properties: Pinene is useful in treating infections caused by bacteria and fungi.
  5. Memory and alertness: Pinene could improve memory and increase alertness.

Pinene can be found in many things, like essential oils, foods, and skin creams. When used in aromatherapy, pinene can help to improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote mental alertness.


Caryophyllene adds a bit of spice to the terpene family with its bold, peppery scent. it’s not just the flavor that makes this terpene a standout. Commonly found in black pepper, cloves, and cinnamon, it’s believed to pack quite a health punch. People are looking at how it might help with reducing inflammation and easing pain. So, it’s more than just a spicy kick – there could be some real health benefits in there too! So, next time you’re savoring something spicy, remember that there’s more than just taste at play – caryophyllene might be working its natural magic in the background!

Caryophyllene offers strong anti-inflammatory effects, potentially aiding in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. It also has properties that may help reducing pain. Furthermore, caryophyllene exhibits neuroprotective qualities, which could be beneficial in treating conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Some studies suggest that it may help in preventing or treating certain types of cancer.

It is found in many different things, such as essential oils, foods, and lotions. When used in aromatherapy, caryophyllene can help improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation.


Linalool is one of those terpenes that’s not only common but also has a really lovely presence. You’ll find it in plants like lavender, mint, and coriander. What sets linalool apart is its floral, sweet aroma – it’s so delightful that it’s a favorite in perfumes and aromatherapy products. Imagine walking through a garden full of lavender; that calming, sweet scent is linalool doing its thing!

Linalool has a pleasant smell, and it may also be good for your health in a number of ways. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Linalool has calming effects, which could help treat insomnia and make people feel more relaxed.
  2. Linalool help reduce anxiety and stress.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effects: Linalool has anti-inflammatory effects, which could help treat arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  4. Anti-epileptic properties: Linalool has anti-epileptic properties and may be useful in treating seizures.
  5. Linalool relieves pain.

Linalool can be found in many things, such as essential oils, foods, and skin creams. When used in aromatherapy, linalool can help to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood. Applying it to the skin, linalool can help reduce swelling and pain. If you ingest linalool it can help improve overall health. 

What do we use Terpenes for?

Terpenes are pretty incredible with their range of health benefits. They’re help reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and even lower anxiety. Take Myrcene, for example, found in mangoes and cannabis; it’s got a knack for calming and relaxing muscles. Then there’s Limonene, the one that gives citrus its zing, famous for boosting moods and fighting bacteria. And let’s not forget Pinene, with its refreshing pine scent, known for cutting down inflammation and helping with breathing. These natural compounds are like nature’s own little health boosters!

What is CBD

Aromatherapy, the practice of using essential oils for therapeutic benefit, heavily relies on terpenes. For instance, Linalool, a terpene found in lavender, is sought after for its stress-relieving and anti-anxiety effects. Aromatherapy utilizes these properties to help alleviate stress, improve sleep quality, and enhance mood.

Beyond their therapeutic uses, terpenes are key players in the flavor and fragrance industries. They are used to create natural flavors in food and beverages. Also used in the formulation of perfumes and other scented products. The versatility of terpenes allows for a wide range of applications, from sweet and fruity to earthy and musky scents.

Where do we use terpenes

Terpenes in Food and Beverages

Imagine your favorite lemon dessert or a refreshing mango beverage. Terpenes such as limonene and myrcene enhance flavors and add a dimension of freshness to food and drinks. They are widely used in the industry to create natural flavor profiles and are integral in making food both more enjoyable and memorable.

Terpenes in Medical Treatments

Terpenes have medicinal properties that have been utilized in traditional and modern medicine. For example, the terpene myrcene, which is prevalent in mangoes and lemongrass, has been studied for its potential to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

Terpenes in Skincare

In skincare, terpenes contribute their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making them excellent ingredients in formulations aimed at acne, dermatitis, and other skin conditions. Their ability to penetrate the skin enhances their efficacy in topical applications.

Terpenes in Household Products

CBD oil dropper bottle and pipette with hemp leaf

From cleaning products to air fresheners, terpenes are commonly used to add natural scents to household items. Their antibacterial and antifungal properties also contribute to the products’ effectiveness, offering a natural alternative to synthetic chemicals.

Terpenes in the cannabis industry

The cannabis industry has particularly embraced terpenes due to their synergistic relationship with cannabinoids like CBD and THC. This synergy, often referred to as the “entourage effect,” suggests that terpenes work in conjunction with cannabinoids to enhance their therapeutic effects.

Interestingly, terpenes also play a role in the environment. They can influence the atmosphere and climate. For example, Isoprene, emitted by many trees, helps protect plants from heat stress. Additionally, terpenes contribute to the formation of clouds and by interacting with gases in the atmosphere. This interaction can impact air quality and weather patterns, showing how nature’s intricate systems are all connected.

In summary, terpenes offer a wide array of benefits. From enhancing our health and well-being through their therapeutic properties, to playing a significant role in aromatherapy, flavor, and fragrance industries, and even impacting the environment and climate – terpenes are truly remarkable compounds that nature has provided. Their synergy with cannabinoids in the cannabis industry highlights the importance of understanding and harnessing these natural elements for their full potential.

More about Terpenes from our blog:

Benefits of Terpenes

Terpenes, the aromatic compounds found in a wide variety of plants, including many medicinal herbs and the Cannabis sativa plant, offer a range of health benefits. Here are some key health benefits of terpenes:

Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Terpenes, like Beta-caryophyllene found in black pepper, oregano, and other edible herbs, have demonstrated notable anti-inflammatory effects. These properties make them effective in reducing inflammation, offering potential therapeutic benefits for conditions such as arthritis and Crohn’s disease.

Pain Relief:

Some terpenes act as analgesics, offering relief from pain. Myrcene, abundantly found in mangoes, lemongrass, and hops, is renowned for its muscle relaxant and pain-relieving properties.

Stress and Anxiety Reduction:

Linalool is like a soothing friend from the lavender plant. It’s known for helping to ease stress and anxiety.

Aromatherapy often uses linalool-rich essential oils to help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties:

Certain terpenes have antibacterial and antifungal qualities, making them beneficial in fighting infections. Terpinene, found in tea tree oil, is one such terpene known for its antimicrobial properties.

Mood Enhancement and Sedative Effects:

Limonene, a terpene in citrus fruits, is well-known for its mood-enhancing and uplifting effects. Additionally, terpenes like Myrcene also possess sedative properties, which can be beneficial for individuals suffering from sleep disorders.

Enhancement of Cognitive Functions:

This makes them potentially useful in the treatment of conditions like dementia.

Respiratory Health:

Terpenes like Eucalyptol, found in eucalyptus, exhibit bronchodilator properties and can be beneficial in treating conditions like asthma and COPD. They help in clearing airways and improving breathing.

Cancer-Fighting Potential:

Research has suggested that some terpenes may possess anti-cancer properties. For example, studies have indicated that Limonene and Perillyl alcohol might inhibit cancer cell growth.

Gastrointestinal Health:

Terpenes like Beta-caryophyllene also show promise in protecting the digestive system. They have been studied for their potential in treating conditions like ulcers and gastrointestinal inflammation.

Skin Health:

Manufacturers are increasingly using terpenes in skincare products to treat conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis, thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

It’s important to note that while the health benefits of terpenes are promising, their efficacy can vary based on concentration, method of use, and individual differences in body chemistry.

FAQ – Terpenes

What are Terpenes?

Terpenes are like nature’s own aroma therapists, found in many plants, including the Cannabis sativa plant. They’re the ones behind the unique scents and flavors of cannabis and play a big part in its therapeutic effects.

How do terpenes affect the body?

Terpenes are like little mood managers for our bodies. They interact with our endocannabinoid system, influencing our mood, stress levels, energy, and how we feel pain. They’re like the supporting actors that enhance the star performance of cannabinoids like CBD.

Can you use terpenes therapeutically?

Absolutely! Terpenes are not just about smelling good; they have some serious therapeutic potential. They relax, ease stress, and lift moods, among other cool benefits.

Do terpenes in CBD products enhance their effectiveness?

Definitely! When terpenes join the party in CBD products, they bring their A-game. This is called the “entourage effect” – where cannabinoids and terpenes team up to give a more powerful punch. So, it’s like they’re working together to make the product even better.

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