Read more about CBG oil

CBG oil, or cannabigerol, is a phytocannabinoid. Unlike endocannabinoids, which the body produces, phytocannabinoids come from plants, such as cannabis. CBG is a so-called non-intoxicating cannabinoid – it does not get you high.

Learn more about CBG oil and its benefits.

What are the potential benefits?

Welcome to The Real CBD. We are the proud distributor of Full Spectrum Organic CBD and CBG oil Products. On this page, you find articles, blogs and all the information about Cannabigerol (CBG).

Cannabigerol is another word for CBG. It is an active ingredient derived from the hemp plant. It may help treat conditions like pain, insomnia, and anxiety.

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This product has proven to be a good remedy against anxiety and depression. Have a closer look at the articles on this page to learn more about the effects of CBG oil

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CBG oil is good for your health in many ways.

In the world of natural health, this has become known as a powerful elixir that can help people live better, more balanced lives.

This amazing chemical reacts with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, which leads to a wide range of therapeutic benefits. It has a lot of potential, from easing pain to making it easier to think. In this thorough guide, we’ll go over the many benefits of CBG oil and show how it could change your health for the better.

CBG Oil’s Pros and Cons

Getting rid of pain and swelling

CBG oil has shown a lot of promise for easing pain and inflammation. It works with the body’s own endocannabinoid system to change how we feel pain and lower inflammation. This can help you feel better and live a better life if you have chronic pain, sore muscles, or diseases that cause inflammation.

Promoting mental health

In our busy lives, mental health is very important. The fact that CBG oil protects neurons makes it a good option for helping mental health. It helps improve happiness, lower stress, and make people feel calmer. By affecting the receptors in the brain, CBG oil may be able to ease anxiety and depression and promote mental balance.

CBG for Anxiety and Depression

Improving the way the brain works

Do you want to improve your mental abilities? Studies show that CBG reacts with receptors that are involved in how the brain works. If you take CBG oil regularly, it might help you focus, remember things, and think more clearly, which could help you do your best work.

CBG in cancer treatment

Understanding how CBG works to treat cancer

How the Endocannabinoid System Works

CBG works with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a complicated network of receptors that controls many bodily functions. This relationship could affect how cancer cells grow, how they die (apoptosis), and how the tumour grows.

Possible effects against cancer

Studies show that CBG may be able to fight cancer. Animal studies show that CBG could stop the growth of some types of cancer cells, like colon cancer cells and breast cancer cells.

Cancer Prevention How Cells Grow

A big area of study is how CBG can stop cancer cells from multiplying. CBG could possibly slow the growth of tumours by changing how the cell cycle works and stopping cancer cells from copying themselves.

Exploring the Possible Benefits of CBG in Treating Cancer

How to Deal with Nausea and Throwing Up

Chemotherapy and other treatments for cancer can cause side effects like sickness and vomiting that can make it hard to do anything. The way CBG interacts with the ECS could help cancer patients who are getting treatment feel better and improve their quality of life.

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Help for pain

Cancer patients often have to deal with constant pain. CBG’s effect on pain receptors could be a way to relieve pain, making it less important to take standard painkillers.

Stimulating the appetite

Cancer patients often lose their appetite, which can hurt their general health. CBG’s ability to increase appetite by interacting with receptors that control appetite could be helpful for people who are getting treatment.

Read more about CBG in cancer treatment here

Harmony in the Gut with CBG Oil

Digestive pain can make it hard to go about daily life, but CBG oil might help. This cannabinoid binds to receptors in the digestive system and helps keep things in balance there. Whether you have bloating, diarrhoea, or trouble eating, this could help your digestive system get back to normal.

CBG can Help You Sleep

Getting enough sleep is important for your general health, and the calming effects of CBG oil could help you sleep better. CBG oil may help people sleep better by making them less anxious and more relaxed. Adding it to your bedtime routine could be the natural way to help you sleep that you’ve been looking for.

Healthy Bones with CBG

For a busy lifestyle, it’s important to keep your bones strong and healthy. CBG oil is an interesting way to improve bone health because it might work with receptors that are involved in bone health. It might make bones stronger and help people with conditions like osteoporosis.

CBG for osteoporosis

Heart and Blood Vessel Health

A healthy heart is the key to being healthy all over. Researchers think that CBG oil might help heart health by lowering blood pressure and making blood vessels wider. Cannabigerol helps your heart stay healthy by making sure your blood flows well.

CBD for cardiovascular health

Possible Effects of CBG Oil on Eye Pressure

CBG, or cannabigerol, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is found in hemp and cannabis plants. It has shown some possible processes that could help control eye pressure:

Intraocular Pressure Regulation: Research shows that CBG works with receptors in the eye’s tissues, including the trabecular meshwork, which controls fluid drainage. By changing the flow of aqueous humour, it might be able to help keep IOP levels at a safe level.

Neuroprotective Properties: When it comes to glaucoma, the neuroprotective properties of CBG are of interest. It may help protect retinal ganglion cells from damage caused by oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are linked to nerve damage caused by glaucoma.

Effects on inflammation: Inflammation is a factor in how blindness gets worse. The anti-inflammatory effects of CBG could possibly reduce inflammation in the eye, making it less likely that the optic nerve will be damaged.

Finding Out What CBG Oil Can Do for High Eye Pressure

Possible drop in IOP

Studies on animals have shown that CBG seems to be able to lower the pressure inside the eye. Even though research on humans is limited, these results show that CBG could be a natural way to lower IOP.

Neuroprotection for the health of the optic nerve

The effects of glaucoma on the optic nerve are especially important to the neuroprotective effects of CBG. CBG oil may help keep the function of the optic nerve and eyesight by protecting retinal cells from damage.

Pain and discomfort were lessened.

People who have glaucoma often feel pain and discomfort. Because CBG oil can relieve pain by interacting with pain receptors, it could help people with glaucoma who are experiencing symptoms.

Taking care of the eyes as a whole

The many benefits that CBG oil has on the endocannabinoid system could be good for the eyes as a whole. CBG oil helps the body’s natural processes keep the eyes healthy by promoting balance and equilibrium.

Who are we?

We are a family-owned business that focuses on customer service and giving the best advice we can. Since we’ve been in business for 4 years (since August 2017), we’re proud to have experience and knowledge. Know-how of how CBG oil can help heal the most common conditions. Our co-founder has been trained and certified to know about Medicinal Cannabis and CBD products, and they are always happy to talk and listen.

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