Tag Archive for: Blood pressure

Learn more about Blood Pressure and CBD

This page is concentrating on BP. Here at The Real CBD, we write weekly articles about different ailments and how CBD products can have a positive impact on your life in general. We chose lifestyle conditions people typically suffer from and may take prescription medication for.

How does it work?

Ii is a test of how hard your blood is pushing against the walls of your arteries. When your heart beats, it pumps blood into your arteries. These vessels then carry the blood to the rest of your body. This goes on 60 to 100 times a minute, 24 hours a day. Arteries carry air and food to all parts of your body, so they can work.

What is the difference between blood pressure and heart rate?

Both of these involve your heart, but they are not the same. The force with which your blood moves through your blood vessels is your blood pressure. The number of times your heart beats in one minute is your heart rate.

If your heart rate goes up, it doesn’t mean that your blood pressure is also going up. You can only find out your BP by using a BP cuff and scale to measure it.

Why blood pressure goes up and down

It doesn’t always stay the same. Depending on what you’re doing, it changes. Your BP goes up when you work out or get excited, and is lower when you are at rest.

Causes that can change your BP include:

  • Age.
  • The drugs you take.
  • Movement

What’s up with blood pressure?

High BP is called the “silent killer” because it usually has no signs. It can hurt your heart, kidneys, and brain before you even realise there’s a problem.

Heart disease is more likely to happen if you have high blood pressure than if you don’t. If high blood pressure is not treated, it can lead to:

  • A stroke.
  • I had a heart attack.
  • Heart got bigger.
  • Broken heart.
  • Disease of the peripheral arteries.
  • A hernia.
  • Kidney illness.

CBD for Blood high blood pressure

CBD may have a small effect on your BP, but there isn’t enough proof to show that it can lower blood pressure significantly. Studies have shown that CBD can help reduce worry and anxiety, which can help relax the heart and lower the risk of getting heart disease.

CBD has been shown to lower it in a good way. Studies have shown that it can lower the top number in a BP reading, the systolic number, by an average of 5-10 mmHg. But CBD’s effects on blood pressure don’t last long, so you have to keep taking it to keep the effects going.


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