
Hunde und CBD - Warum und wie man es verwendet!


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Das Inhaltsverzeichnis:

  1. Was genau ist CBD?
  2. Wie hilft CBD Hunden?
  3. Welche Dosierung sollte ich meinem Hund geben?
  4. Bei welchen gesundheitlichen Problemen von Hunden kann CBD helfen?
  5. CBD-Produkte für Hunde sind in verschiedenen Formen erhältlich.
  6. Wie man CBD an seinen Hund verabreicht
  7. Welches ist das beste CBD-Öl für Ihren Hund?
  8. Die möglichen Nebenwirkungen von CBD
  9. Wo kann ich das wirksamste CBD-Produkt für meinen Hund bekommen?
  10. Schlussfolgerung

Ihr Haustier ist ein wichtiges Mitglied Ihrer Familie. Sie möchten, dass es ein langes und gesundes Leben hat. CBD für Hunde can help with all three of these things! CBD has been shown in studies to improve the quality of life in both humans and animals. It also has properties, which may help dogs suffering from Arthritis, Krebsoder Angstzuständen. In diesem Artikel gehen wir darauf ein, was CBD ist und warum Sie es Ihrem Haustier geben sollten.

Infografik zum ECS-System bei Hunden

Was genau ist CBD?

CBD, oder Cannabidiolist ein nicht-psychoaktives Cannabinoid das aus der Cannabis Sativa-Pflanze gewonnen wird. CBD, im Gegensatz zu seinem berüchtigten Cousin THCEs erzeugt nicht den mit dem Cannabiskonsum verbundenen Rausch. Es hat sich als vielversprechende und wirksame Behandlung für eine Reihe von Erkrankungen erwiesen, wie z. B. Angststörungen, , and others. What's the best part? You can give CBD to your dog without it becoming psychoactive.

Eine an der Virginia Commonwealth University durchgeführte Studie entdeckten, dass sich 74% der Hunde nach einer Behandlung mit oralem CBD verbesserten.

Wie hilft CBD Hunden?

Kann man Hunden CBD geben? CBD interagiert mit dem Endocannabinoid-System of the canine body. This is a network of brain receptors thought to be part of the natural pain-sensing and mood-regulating systems. This endocannabinoid system regulates anxiety, fear responses, immune function, sleep cycles, and other things.

Welche Dosierung sollte ich meinem Hund geben?

Die angemessene Menge an CBD-Öl für Ihren Hund wird durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren bestimmt. Dazu gehören das Alter Ihres Hundes, sein Gewicht, sein allgemeiner Gesundheitszustand, die Gründe für die Verwendung von CBD und die Wirksamkeit des CBD-Produkts.

Bei der Dosierung gibt es Unterschiede. Als allgemeine Faustregel gilt, dass Sie Ihrem Hund 1 bis 5 mg von CBD-Öl pro 10 Pfund des Körpergewichts.

In der Regel bedarf es einiger Versuche, um die ideale Lösung zu finden. CBD-Dosierung für Ihren Hund. Es ist am besten, mit einer niedrigeren Dosis zu beginnen und sie allmählich zu erhöhen.

Wenn Ihr Hund z. B. Nebenwirkungen hat (was selten vorkommt), können Sie die Dosis noch weiter reduzieren. Wenn andererseits die anfängliche Dosis nicht zu wirken scheint, können Sie sie im Rahmen der empfohlenen Dosierungsrichtlinien sicher erhöhen.

Hier sind einige Methoden zur Verabreichung von CBD-Öl an Hunde:


Kann man Hunden CBD verabreichen? CBD-Öl kann sublingual (unter die Zunge) verabreicht werden. Dazu wird das Öl in einen Tropfer gegeben und direkt in das Maul des Hundes gespritzt. Dies ist die wirksamste Methode, um schnelle Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Manche Hunde mögen es jedoch nicht, wenn man ihr Maul anfasst.

  1. CBD-Öl zu den Mahlzeiten. Alternativ können Sie das Öl auch aus der Pipette in den Futternapf spritzen und unter das normale Futter mischen. Beginnen Sie mit einer kleineren Dosis, damit Ihr Hund die Veränderung des Geschmacks, des Geruchs oder der Konsistenz der Mahlzeit nicht bemerkt.
  2. CBD-Öl auf einem Hundeleckerli. You can put the oil on a porous dog treat and give it to your dog. Your dog will enjoy the treat- time and will not mind the addition of CBD-Öl.
  3. Homemade CBD-infused treats – You can bake your dog homemade CBD-infused treats.
  4. CBD ointment for dogs are typically in the form of balms or creams. They are efficient and practical. Just don't let your dog lick them off (they are not harmful but need to be absorbed into the Haut to achieve health effects).

See more about CBD oil for Dogs in our other blogs:

Bei welchen gesundheitlichen Problemen von Hunden kann CBD helfen?

CBD is best known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It can also help with anxiety, depression, arthritis and GelenkschmerzenKrampfanfälle, Verdauung issues, Übelkeit, Epilepsie, and other neurological disorders.

It can be used to treat separation anxiety or phobias by addressing any underlying issues that are causing these behaviors.

CBD can also be used to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. It is frequently prescribed to cancer patients to help with the Schmerzen.

Can you give human CBD to your Pet?

CBD benefits for dogs:

Anxiety in dogs

Although CBD is not a cure for anxiety in dogs, it can support your dog's natural endocannabinoid system. Furthermore, it can have a calming effect.

When first introducing CBD to an anxious pet, start with very small doses to see how they react. Giving it sublingually is an excellent way to begin; because it enters your pet's bloodstream without being processed by the liver.

Canine cancer

CBD is not a cure for cancer in dogs. However, it can provide relief from side effects and improved quality of life while your pet is undergoing treatment.

It may also aid in the reduction of pain and nausea during chemotherapy or radiation therapy treatments. As well as post-surgery.

If you believe CBD oil could help your dog's condition, you should always consult with a veterinarian first.

Is your dog in pain?

CBD can be used to treat both chronic aches and pains and acute post-surgical or traumatic injuries. Such as a dog with broken bones from being hit by a car. It is not addictive, unlike some medications used to treat pain in animals. It has no negative side effects (unless of course, the animal has an allergy).

There is no overdose potential, so you can increase the dose as needed.

CBD for Dog Depression

Treating a depressed dog with CBD can help. This is because it can help balance Serotonin levels and reduce any anxiety or fear. This may have contributed to the animal's depression. CBD oil or snacks do not make a pet high. So they will continue to go outside, eat, play with toys, and so on. Furthermore, you will avoid unwanted behaviors that are related to their mental state. Mentioning destructiveness out of boredom or frustration.

Canine arthritis and joint pain


CBD can also help with arthritis and joint pain. CBD interacts with receptors in the body that influence , which has been shown to reduce it, resulting in less discomfort or pain.

Because nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are typically prescribed only on an as-needed basis due to potential side effects. This could be stomach ulcers and kidney failure if overused, giving your CBD für Haustiere instead provides relief without requiring you or them to take additional risks.

Canine seizures

CBD appears to be an effective treatment option for seizures and epilepsy in dogs, according to research.

It does not have the same side effects as more mainstream medications, which is a plus. The problem is that seizures are difficult to diagnose. This is because there is no definitive test that can tell you what is causing them. As a result, it may take some trial and error with various treatments; before you find one that works for your pet.

Die Vorteile von CBD in human patients are well documented. Studies show that once the proper dosage was determined, approximately 25% of epileptic patients had seizures reduced by more than 50%.

Canine digestion issues

CBD can be beneficial to dogs' digestive systems. Dogs, like humans, can suffer from IBD and IBS-D, and, like humans, anxiety and Stress exacerbate these conditions. By giving your dog CBD-Produkte, he or she may not require more traditional veterinary medicine. These can often cause stomach ulcers. Here we can mention steroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics for secondary infections, antiemetics to control vomiting and nausea, or opiates for severe abdominal pain.

Dog separation anxiety and phobias


Many dogs experience separation anxiety, which can be extremely frustrating for owners who must leave their dog at home alone. This can be caused by a variety of factors. To name a few, changes in the pet owner's schedule or being left in an unfamiliar location, such as boarding kennels. Cannabidiol is beneficial because it helps regulate anxiety and fear responses before they occur. This may make your dog feel safer in its own environment while you're away.

CBD-Produkte für Hunde sind in verschiedenen Formen erhältlich.

Oils with CBD – both gesamte Bandbreite CBD und breites Spektrum CBD – are the most commonly used CBD products. These are best administered as drops. Kapseln are also available. Other options include edibles (such as treats). CBD-Salbe for dogs such as lotions, creams, and patches. They applied to your dog's skin or administered orally.

CBD-Öle are normally available in various concentrations, typically 2.5%, 5%, oder 10%. Typically using a Hanfsamenöl base. They do not usually list the full spectrum of , but both broad and Vollspektrum CBD will list THC levels.

Wie man CBD an seinen Hund verabreicht

The two most common (and effective) methods of administering CBD to your dog are topically and orally.

There are several methods for administering topical application – gels, creams, and lotions. It's as easy as rubbing some on their skin with your fingers or massaging it more deeply with circular motions. Then wrap their body in a towel to prevent it from rubbing off.

CBD oil is the most commonly used method of administration for oral administration. Simply sprinkle a few drops on your dog's food and mix until they finish their meal. CBD soft chews and snacks are also available.

What dosage of CBD should I give my dog?

Dosages are recommended based on your dog's health, age, and body weight. As a general rule, we recommend beginning with 0.25 – 0.5 mg CBD per kilo (2.2 pounds) of dog body weight. If you feel it is necessary, you can increase the dose after a few days. Examine the CBD concentration, the amount of CBD in the product, and the amount of CBD per drop of oil or tincture.

Welches ist das beste CBD-Öl für Ihren Hund?

When looking for a product to use with your pet, look for one that has been tested and a lab review. This will help to ensure your and your dog's safety.

A good product will include a guaranteed list of ingredients. Also clear instructions on how to use them for your dog's size and weight. An indication of any potential side effects or interactions with other medications they are taking; should also be included.

What happens if I overdose my dog on CBD oil?

One of the best aspects of CBD oil is that it cannot overdose on dogs. If you give your dog zu viel CBD, it will most likely exhibit side effects (dry mouth, diarrhea, decreased ) or take a long nap to sleep off the effects.

The Dangers of CBD Oil for Dogs

According to the research done so far on CBD, it poses minimal risk to pets. Of course when used appropriately, which means keeping dosage low and only using high-quality products from reputable brands.

Die möglichen Nebenwirkungen von CBD

According to the World Health Organization's report on cannabidiol, “CBD is generally well-tolerated, with a good safety profile.” According to a veterinary study, “CBD-rich, hemp-based nutraceuticals appear to be relatively safe in healthy dogs.”

However, as with any supplement, excessive amounts, particularly in overly sensitive dogs, can cause side effects. The good news is that these CBD-Öl-Nebenwirkungen in dogs are uncommon. Usually self-limiting, and can be eliminated with a simple dose adjustment.

Here is a list of some of the potential side effects:

  • Trockener Mund. A decrease in saliva production is a common side effect of CBD. Because your dog will be thirstier than usual, make sure to provide fresh, clean water on a daily basis.
  • Low Blood Pressure. A high CBD dose may cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, leaving your pup nauseous, lightheaded, and lethargic. Your dog will most likely sleep off the effects of these medications within a few hours.
  • Diarrhöe. Dogs' digestive systems are sensitive. So the carrier oil (for example, coconut oil) in your CBD tincture may cause an adverse reaction in your pup. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing to a normal CBD dose is one way to moderate this reaction.

The main concern for pet owners about using CBD oil for dogs is the risk of overdosing. CBD, fortunately, has a wide margin of safety. In layman's terms, CBD oil cannot be overdosed on by a dog. Worst-case scenario, your dog will take a long nap to sleep off the effects of the CBD.

CBD oil, on the other hand, can cause an increase in liver enzymes and minor changes in complete blood count. This means that using CBD oil in dogs with liver problems or dogs who regularly receive certain prescription medications could be dangerous. To summarize, before supplementing your dog with CBD oil, consult with your veterinarian.

Wo kann ich das wirksamste CBD-Produkt für meinen Hund bekommen?

cbd produkte tiere haustiere hunde

There are numerous places to buy CBD. Both in-store and online, we would not recommend one brand or website over another. Price and shipping can also vary greatly. We'd look for hemp grown locally and a CBD product geared toward dogs rather than humans. Check the potency, or milligrams of CBD it contains, so you can calculate the correct dosing. Look for sites that have lab reports confirming the purity of the product. Also shows that it is free of harmful additives, organic if possible. Keep in mind that you should always consult with a vet before giving your pet any new treatment.


There is abundant evidence for the health benefits of CBD ointment and oil for dogs and humans. You will find there is a wide range of CBD products available. The important thing is to start with a low dose from a reputable brand. Also, keep in mind that you may need to experiment to find the best way to administer CBD oil to your dog.

To find the best CBD product for your dog, you may need to experiment – but you could start here:

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