
CBD-Öl & Terpene für Katzen


CBD-Öl has become increasingly popular among pet owners as a natural remedy for various health issues, including anxiety, inflammation, Schmerzen, and seizures. Cats, just like humans and other animals, have an that interacts with CBD to regulate various physiological processes in the body. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about CBD oil for cats, including its benefits, potential side effects, and how to choose the right product.

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Benefits of CBD Oil for Cats

CBD-Öl für Haustiere

CBD oil has shown potential in managing a variety of health conditions in cats. Here are some of the Vorteile der Verwendung von CBD oil for your feline friend:

  1. Ängste und Erleichterung: Cats can experience anxiety and Stress due to various factors, including separation anxiety, loud noises, and changes in their environment. CBD oil can help reduce anxiety durch Interaktion mit dem Endocannabinoid-System to regulate the release of stress Hormone.
  2. Pain and Inflammation Management: Cats can suffer from chronische Schmerzen and inflammation due to various health conditions, including Arthritis, , and inflammatory bowel disease. CBD oil has shown potential in managing pain and reducing inflammation by interacting with the endocannabinoid system to modulate pain signals.
  3. Seizure Control: Seizures are a common health issue in cats, and conventional medication may not always be effective in controlling them. CBD oil has shown the potential in reducing the frequency and severity of seizures by interacting with the endocannabinoid system to regulate the electrical activity in the brain.
  4. Appetite Stimulation: Cats can experience a loss of appetite due to various reasons, including , pain, and anxiety. CBD oil has shown the potential in stimulating appetite by interacting with the endocannabinoid system to regulate the release of hunger hormones.
  5. Krebs Management: CBD oil has shown potential in managing cancer symptoms in cats, including pain, inflammation, and appetite loss. It may also have anti-cancer properties by inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Potential Side Effects of CBD Oil for Cats

Although CBD oil is generally considered safe for cats, it can cause some side effects in some cases. Here are some of the potential side effects of using CBD oil for cats:

  1. Trockener Mund: CBD oil can reduce the production of saliva, leading to dry mouth and increased thirst.
  2. Schläfrigkeit: CBD oil can have a calming effect on cats, leading to drowsiness or lethargy.
  3. Lowered Blood Pressure: CBD oil can cause a temporary drop in blood pressure, which can cause dizziness or lightheadedness.
  4. Diarrhöe: CBD oil can cause diarrhoea in some cats, especially when used in high doses.

Choosing the Right CBD Oil for Your Cat


When choosing a CBD-Öl-Produkt for your cat, it's essential to consider the following factors:

  1. Qualität: Choose a high-quality CBD oil product that has been third-party tested for purity and potency.
  2. THC Content: Choose a CBD oil product that contains less than 0.2% THC to avoid any psychoactive effects.
  3. Dosierung: Start with a low dose and gradually increase it until you achieve the desired effect. Follow the manufacturer's instructions on dosing.
  4. Formular: CBD oil is available in various forms, including tinctures, Kapseln, and treats. Choose a form that is easy to administer to your cat and that your cat will enjoy.
  5. Price: Choose a CBD oil product that fits your budget, but don't compromise on quality.

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Can cats tolerate Terpenes?

Terpene chart

If you are a cat owner and are interested in using essential oils or Terpene in your home, you might be wondering if these substances are safe for your feline friend. Terpene are organic compounds found in many plants, including those commonly used in essential oils and CBD oil. While terpenes can have various benefits for humans, the effects of terpenes on cats are not as well understood. In this article, we will explore the topic of terpenes and cats in more detail to help you make an informed decision.

What Are Terpenes?

Terpene are naturally occurring organic compounds found in plants. They are responsible for the distinct aroma and flavour of different plants and are used in a wide range of products, including essential oils, perfumes, and cleaning products. Terpenes have various beneficial properties, including anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. Different terpenes have different properties and can have a range of benefits.

What Are the Effects of Terpenes on Cats?

There is limited research available on the effects of terpenes on cats. However, some studies have shown that cats can be sensitive to certain essential oils, which contain terpenes. Some terpenes, such as limonene, linalool, and eucalyptol, have been found to cause toxicity in cats when ingested or applied topically. Symptoms of terpene toxicity in cats can include vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, and difficulty breathing.

It is important to note that cats have a unique metabolism, and their bodies are unable to break down certain compounds that are safe for humans and other animals. This means that even small amounts of certain substances can be toxic to cats. While some terpenes may be safe for cats, it is best to stay on the side of caution and avoid exposing your feline friend to essential oils or terpenes without consulting a veterinarian.

Are There Any Terpenes that Are Safe for Cats?

While many terpenes have not been studied in cats, there are some that are considered safe for feline use. For example, the terpene known as beta-myrcene is commonly found in hops, mangoes, and bay leaves and has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Some cat owners have reported using products containing beta-myrcene, such as CBD oil or other hemp-derived products, with success. However, it is important to consult a veterinarian before giving any new product to your cat.

How Can You Protect Your Cat from Terpene Exposure?

To protect your cat from terpene exposure, it is best to avoid using essential oils or other products containing terpenes in your home. If you do choose to use these products, it is important to keep them out of reach of your cat and to use them in a well-ventilated area. It is also important to monitor your cat for any signs of illness or discomfort after using these products, and to seek veterinary care if necessary.


CBD oil has shown potential in managing various health conditions in cats, including anxiety, pain, inflammation, and seizures. However, it's essential to choose a high-quality CBD oil product and administer it in the right dosage to avoid potential side effects. Always consult with your veterinarian before giving your cat any new supplement or medication, including CBD oil.

F A Q's – CBD oil and terpenes for your cat

Was Sie wissen müssen
How do I administer CBD oil to my cat?

CBD oil can be administered to your cat orally, either by placing a few drops under their tongue or mixing it with their food or water.

How long does it take for CBD oil to work in cats?

Die Wirkungen von CBD-Öl may vary depending on the individual cat's metabolism and the severity of their health condition. However, some cats may experience the effects of CBD oil within 30 minutes to an hour.

Can I give my cat zu viel CBD Öl?

Yes, giving your cat too much CBD oil can cause side effects, including diarrhea, lethargy, and dizziness. It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions on dosing and start with a low dose.

The Real CBD for cats

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