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Comment l'huile de CBD peut-elle aider les patients atteints de cancer ?


We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. Maybe you have recently been diagnosed yourself, and are researching what alternative or natural help is out there. You will soon find that many claims have been made about using cannabis for cancer or even as a treatment! Questions about CBD (cannabidiol) oil and THC will be the first in your mind. There are many questions attached to cannabis and and for the next 20 min. we will answer the most common ones like how can CBD oil help cancer patients? CBD vs. THC en cancer treatment? Does CBD actually fight cancer? Where to buy Huile de CBD for cancer? CBD and cancer treatment.

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Temps de lecture estimé : 15 minutes

1. CBD vs. THC for cancer?

Le vrai-CBD-CBD-vs.-THC

The side effects of cancer treatments can often be as debilitating as cancer itself. We need more research on cannabinoïdes (the chemical compounds in cannabis) for cancer patients. Strong anecdotal evidence, as well as initial research and longer-term studies from many countries (especially Israel), suggests that CBD can alleviate the side effects of cancer treatment.

While cannabis has hundreds of chemical components, the two primary ones are CBD and THC. When it comes to cannabis and cancer, which compound is best? Learning more about these components and their impact on cancer treatment symptoms (and cancer itself) can help you make an informed decision on how you want to approach it.

THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) for cancer!

THC can be just as helpful as CBD to cancer patients. Although it can have psychoactive side effects (the “high” commonly associated with marijuana), there are reports that CBD can blunt those effects. In particular, THC can be a helpful tool for stimulating appetite. According to a Washington Post article, THC increases ghrelin, which is a hormone associated with hunger. The way THC is ingested has a big impact on how “high” you feel. THC can be vaped, ingested as oil or a capsule or you can get THC in suppositories which won't make you feel the “high” because it bypasses being metabolized in the liver.

THC also helps to relieve douleur, réduire l'inflammation, and ease nausées. Furthermore, there is also some pre-clinical research that shows THC may slow tumor growth, although more research is needed in this area.

CBD (Cannabidiol) for cancer

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the component most frequently associated with medical marijuana. CBD, unlike THC, does not cause a high. A paper published in the Journal of Pain Management examined the use of medical cannabis in cancer patients wanting relief from symptoms such as:

The study showed that CBD helped cancer patients ease pain, relieve inflammation, reduce nausées, and improve sleep.

However, while many patients use CBD-only products to treat cancer symptoms, other options may provide more powerful results.

2. How does CBD work?


Tous les mammifères ont un système endocannabinoïde (ECS). It was discovered in the 1990s and is thought to be one of the most vital and vast receptor systems, for sustaining good health and has been recognized as an important modulatory system in the function of the brain, endocrine, and immune tissues.

Recent science has found that the ECS does not only respond to endogenous cannabinoïdes produced in the body but also responds to external Phyto- or CBD as a means of enhancing the body's own ECS function.

Within the ECS there are receptors CB1 and CB2, located throughout the body. These neurons are a sort of lock, with cannabinoïdes acting as the key. CB1 receptors exist in high numbers in the brain. CB2 receptors occur most commonly in the spleen, tonsils, thymus, and the immune cells. The plays an important role in homéostasie (inner balance in the body).

3. Most common struggles when dealing with cancer!

Upon hearing a diagnosis of cancer, you are faced with a multitude of issues. In addition to the medical and logistic details, major concerns include fear of death, disfigurement, douleur, disability, dependency, abandonment, and trouble in relationships. Some of the most common side effects of cancer and cancer treatment are:

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4. How can CBD oil help cancer patients?

In short, CBD creates homéostasie, which gives your amazing body its original youthful capability to heal itself. As we age environmental factors, our diet, and our mental health throw the balance in our body out of whack. This is done on many different levels such as on a cellular level and a psychological level. When we are “unbalanced” we lose the ability to heal, and this creates inflammation and disease. The experts reckon that inflammation is the cause of 75% of the most common diseases.

This is where CBD (Cannabidiol) oil comes into the picture. Ingesting CBD created homeostasis and helps our endocannabinoid system make our own cannabinoids to re-created the ability to heal. So in effect, it is not the CBD that does the trick. It is yourself and your body.

It is of course vital when we deal with cancer patients that all outside toxins and other disturbing factors to the healing process are avoided. Mental positivity, a healthy diet avoiding sugarrefined carbohydrateset l'alcool, proper sommeil profond, and as much exercise in nature as possible will be a crucial part of your recovery. You want to give your body all the tools it needs to heal and fight cancer.

En savoir plus CBD for breast cancer cliquez ici

5. Managing your pain with CBD oil

CBG pour le cancer

Receptors are tiny proteins attached to your cells. They receive signals, mostly chemical ones, from different stimuli and help your cells respond.

This response creates pain-relieving effects that help with pain management. This means that CBD oil and other products could benefit people experiencing cancer-related pain.

One Revue 2018 assessed how well CBD works to relieve chronic pain. The review looked at studies conducted between 1975 and March 2018. These studies examined various types of pain, including:

Based on these studies, researchers concluded that CBD was effective in overall pain management and didn't cause negative side effects.

Some people with cancer use CBD.  Most studies in humans have investigated the role of CBD in managing pain related to cancer and cancer treatment.

In a 2010 study on cancer-related pain, study subjects received oral sprays of a combination THC-CBD extract. The THC-CBD extract was used in conjunction with . This study revealed that using the extract provided more effective pain relief than using opioids alone.

A 2013 study on THC and THC-CBD oral sprays had a similar finding. Many researchers from the 2010 study worked on this study as well. More evidence is still needed.

If you are experiencing severe cancer-related pain, we suggest you get a strong CBD oil to help you relieve the pain. A 40% full-spectrum CBD oil would be a good starting point to fill  up your système endocannabinoïde. Be sure to get it from a reputable supplier – if you are new to CBD we have a free E-book on how to get started on CBD oil.

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur CBD for cancer pain click here

6. CBD can help calm your mind!

When being diagnosed with cancer a hundred questions arise, and it can be mentally overwhelming dealing with it all. Your mind is racing and it is all confusing. This can give you sleepless nights, anxiety, and potentially .

CBD has a calming effect on your brain WITHOUT giving you “the high” like THC does.

Les Permanente Journal published a study reporting that 79% of participants experienced a reduction in anxiety. Hence, these preliminary results on the positive effects of CBD have made mental health advocates to consider CBD for anti-anxiety effects.

Even though the way CBD works to treat anxiety isn't fully understood, it hasn't stopped millions of people in need of symptom relief from using CBD.

Studies show that CBD could have the potential to be a fast-acting antidepressant drug. It's believed to work in a similar way to antidepressants, in so far that it impacts how your brain's chemical receptors respond to sérotonine, the chemical that helps regulate anxiety, happiness, and mood.

While CBD doesn't increase serotonin levels, it does slightly affect how the brain responds to the serotonin already present in your body.

7. Can CBD balm help skin affected by cancer or radiation treatment?

Cancer treatment can affect your peau, hair, and nails. Often, peau problems from cancer treatment are not severe, but they can be uncomfortable and noticeable. You may struggle with the visible changes or symptoms caused by a skin condition.


Rashes can be a side effect of chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, or bone marrow transplants. You could experience a rash that looks like or measles.

Dry and itchy skin.

Dry skin is called xerosis and itchy skin is called pruritus. This side effect may be more common if you battle cancers of the blood, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. Dry and itchy skin is also very common with chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, and bone marrow transplants.

Sensitivity to light.

Some types of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and stem cell transplants may make the skin more sensitive to light. This is called photosensitivity.

Nail changes.

Cancer treatments may cause your nails to lift, break, or develop light or dark streaks or grooves. The cuticle surrounding your nails may also swell and become red and painful.

When radiation therapy is used on cancer cells, it also affects healthy skin cells. This can cause the skin to peel, itch, or hurt. Skin damage from radiation therapy often starts after 1 or 2 weeks of treatment. Most often, it gets better a few weeks after treatment ends.

CBD balm for cancer patients

Salve, crèmes, and healing balms can help alleviate all of the above conditions.  Baumes au CBD have been found to have significant soothing properties. Its substantial skin-calming and skin-normalizing effects can help minimize issues related to skin sensitivity, including redness and reactivity. The research shows that CBD helps normalize skin cell growth. Inflammation. CBD is truly powerful at fighting inflammation, and this means it has a lot of promise for many skin issues such as eczéma, rosacea, and psoriasisTransdermal CBD reduces pain and inflammation. We do not recommend to use any balm or topic ointment on any open wounds.

En savoir plus sur le CBD

8. Get a better appetite with CBD oil

the-real-cbd-blog-healthy-diet (en anglais)

You may have heard of the word “munchies,” which is often used to describe the effects of using cannabis or marijuana products. The substance called THC (tétrahydrocannabinol) is a cannabinoid that is found in cannabis products and is largely responsible for making people hungry and want to eat.

Because THC can make people feel high, most Produits CBD don't have more than 0.2% THC. This is the legal limit because THC can make people feel high. People think that this small bit of THC doesn't do much, like make you hungry. But there are a number of other cannabinoids in weed, especially CBD, that may also make you feel hungry.

  • Cannabidiol (CBD) can cause the body to make more Ghrelin, a hormone that is linked to making people hungry. So, chemicals that work on neurotransmitters in the brain make the body make more Ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry.
  • CBD can make the brain make more dopamine, which is linked to the brain's reward system. Since it feels good to eat, the body often makes more dopamine and increases the hunger at the same time.
  • When you eat or drink CBD, it works on the serotonin receptors (5-HT) to control your mood and, by extension, your hunger. Mood often has an effect on hunger. Sadness and sadness can make you either lose your appetite or want comfort foods more.

Best CBD for increased appetite

9. Sleep better with CBD oil

There are several reasons why people have a hard time sleeping. It may be due to mental issues (depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder), certain medicines, or not being able to switch the brain off.

Although CBD research still has a long way to go, research suggests that it can help treat anxiety, which contributes to sleeplessness. This study conducted by Scott Shannon, MD et al. involved 72 patients. 47 subjects had anxiety, while the remaining 25 experienced a difficult time sleeping. The results showed that a 25mg CBD ingestion on the first month showed the following:

  1. 79.2% of all the participants said that CBD resulted in lower levels of anxiety; and
  2. 66.7% of all the participants said that CBD gave them a better sleep experience.

The quality of your sleep will improve with CBD

Another factor that can contribute to sleeplessness is pain, in any form. A étude conducted by Frontiers in Pharmacology reported that CBD helps decrease pain, which ultimately reduces the discomfort felt when sleeping. Learn more about how CBD can improve sleep.

10. Does CBD actually fight cancer?

There is a growing body of literature showing that CBD, THC, and other cannabinoids can be effective in killing certain cancer cells. It's interesting that CBD seems to work independently, and also together with THC. In fact, there are studies showing that whole plant extracts are more effective than isolates of any individual cannabinoid.

Substantial research shows to support CBD as a promising, novel, adjunct cancer treatment, though official studies have not yet advanced to trials on humans. Further research and placebo-controlled clinical trials are required, however, to better understand CBD and its effects on cancers or the interactions between CBD and first-line cancer therapies such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

Anecdotally we have seen and heard about many positive results with patients using cannabis (CBD and THC) to treat their cancer.

CBD as cancer prevention

Once you have been declared cancer-free, we recommend you to keep taking full-Spectrum CBD for at least 6 months. This is to prevent the cancer cells to come back and to support homéostasie. We suggest 1000mg CBD/week for 6 months.

11. The Budwig Center – Alternative cancer treatment!


We are very honoured to be working together with The Budwig Center team in Spain.

For almost 20 years, the Budwig Center has been helping people face Cancer head-on by using natural remedies and treatments. The scores of positive testimonials have impelled them to continue to provide the best natural health care based on the Protocol of Dr. Johanna Budwig.

They offer a wide range of alternative treatments in a lovely, professional, and cozy atmosphere where every patient is taken care of in a personal and caring way. The doctors in the Budwig Center are knowledgeable and at the forefront with the latest research and technology. Their primary goal is not just to help each patient recover from cancer using natural treatments and methods but also to provide education. Dr. Budwig herself was known for spending quality time with each patient, educating them on how they can control their health themselves. She thus empowered each patient physically, mentally, and emotionally and this is a principle they continue to follow at the Budwig Center.

En savoir plus sur la Budwig Center here.


How does CBD potentially benefit cancer patients?

CBD may offer symptomatic relief for cancer patients by reducing pain and inflammation. It's also noted for its potential to alleviate nausea and vomiting, which are common side effects of cancer treatments like chemotherapy.

Can CBD directly treat cancer?

There is no conclusive evidence that CBD can cure cancer. Its use is primarily supportive for managing symptoms and improving the quality of life in cancer patients, not as a direct treatment for the cancer itself.

Is CBD safe to use for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy?

CBD is generally considered safe, but cancer patients should consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new treatment, including CBD, especially during chemotherapy to avoid any potential interactions with other medications.

What forms of CBD are most effective for cancer-related symptoms?

The effectiveness of CBD can vary based on the form used. Oils and tinctures are commonly preferred for their ease of dosing and rapid absorption. Topicals can be effective for localized pain relief. Always choose high-quality products from reputable sources.

How should cancer patients start using CBD for symptom management?

Cancer patients should start with a low dose of CBD and gradually increase it based on their comfort level and the effectiveness of symptom relief, under the guidance of a healthcare provider to ensure safety and efficacy.

The Real CBD oil to help cancer patients

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