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Qu'est-ce que l'huile de CBD ?

Huile de CBD is a natural option which has been tried for everything from chronic douleur à .  Many parents with children with ADD and ADHD prefer a drop of the natural option the plant has to offer, then turning to the hard drug treatments like Ritalin (Methylphenidate), which can cause dependency and have a lot of side-effects.

What is ADD and ADHD?

ADHD affects functioning skills which include important functions such as attention, concentration, learning from mistakes, impulsivity, hyperactivity, organization memory, motivation, and effort, and social skills. It's actually an umbrella term for three different types:

  •  ADD is where the child or adult has trouble paying attention.
  • Hyperactive is where the child is frequently wild and out of control. They can be very talkative and super excited.
  • Combined is precisely what it sounds like, a combination of both of the two previous types of ADHD.

No matter what type of ADHD a person suffers from, it all results from signalling issues in the brain.

How can CBD oil help ADHD?

When you consume Huile de CBD, the plant compounds engage with two receptors in your body. These receptors, known as CB1 and CB2, have a direct effect on specific parts of your body.

CB1 is more present in the brain and is directly related to behaviour and mood. CB2 is more abundant in the système immunitaire. It's connected to pain and .

CBD oil for ADHD has been reported to block the activity of gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA). This allows the body to increase dopamine levels naturally which results in calmer and more relaxed behaviour.

Using CBD oil for ADHD is something to discuss with your doctor, but the benefits are showing up in multiple studies around the world.

Can CBD Oil treat ADHD (ADD)? What Science says

There is no scientific basis from which CBD could be recommended by a doctor for use as a treatment for ADHD, nor is there any data that could speak to which product or dose would be appropriate however……

Use of and CBD have been shown clinically to help in the management of troublesome behaviours which occur in ADHD.  A study was done in Germany (2015) showed that many adults with ADHD prefer cannabis or CBD over pharmaceutical drugs treatment.  They feel the treatment is more natural, has milder side effects, and is more effective.

Une autre étude** show the effect of CBD in children with ADHD. As an all-natural product derived from hemp, it has none of the unwanted side effects found in prescription medication, meaning it may be useful as a long-term replacement.

CBD for Children with ADHD

Au La vraie CBD, we know the problems that parents and other carers of children with ADHD have to deal with. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disease (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disease that causes people to have trouble paying attention, controlling their impulses, and staying calm when they are very active. As a caring parent, you might be looking for other ways to help your child stay healthy and improve their quality of life. In recent years, there has been more and more interest in how CBD might help kids with ADHD. In this detailed guide, we'll go over the subject in depth and give you all the information you need to make a good choice.

Understanding ADHD in Children

Before getting into the possible Les bienfaits du CBD, it's important to understand what ADHD is and how it affects kids. ADHD affects about 6-9% of children around the world, making it one of the most common diseases in children. Children with ADHD often have trouble in school, with their peers, and with controlling their emotions, which can have a big effect on their self-esteem and growth as a whole.

Le CBD est-il sans danger pour les enfants ?

Options for conventional treatments and their limits

Traditionally, ADHD has been treated with a mix of behavioural therapy and pharmaceutical drugs like Ritalin and Adderall, which are called stimulants. Even though these treatments can help a lot of kids, they may have some downsides as well. Some kids may have side effects like a loss of hunger, trouble sleeping, or mood swings. Some parents may also worry about how stimulant drugs will affect their child's growing brain in the long run.

Looking into CBD as a possible option

Cannabidiol (CBD), which comes from the hemp plant, does not get you high. It has gotten a lot of attention in recent years because it might be able to help people feel better. CBD interacts with the système endocannabinoïde (ECS), which is a complex network of receptors and neurotransmitters that controls many bodily processes. Research shows that CBD may have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and anti- effects, which could help children with ADHD.

CBD could help kids with ADHD in a number of ways


Even though study on CBD as a treatment for ADHD in kids is still in its early stages, early results and anecdotal evidence point to positive results. Here are some things that CBD might be good for:

  • Better Focus and Attention: Because CBD may be able to change how neurotransmitters work in the brain, it may help children with ADHD focus and pay attention for longer. By making the ECS's regulatory processes better, CBD could possibly help people who have trouble paying attention and getting distracted.
  • Reduces Hyperactivity and Impulsivity: The calming effects of CBD may help control the restless and impulsive behaviours that are common in people with ADHD. CBD could help children have more self-control by making them feel more relaxed and lowering their restlessness.
  • Anxiety and Keeping Emotions in Check: Children with ADHD often have other problems like anxiety and mood issues. The anti-anxiety effects of CBD may help kids with ADHD feel less anxious and more in control of their emotions.

5% pure CBD oil could help ADHD!

Pure 5% CBD oil is a good starting point. Our recommendation is to start low and go slow! More is not always better. Put a drop or two under the tongue and keep it in your mouth for at least a minute. If your child don't like the taste, you can mix it on a teaspoon of honey. Let that mixture “melt” in the mouth. Do this morning and evening. If you don't see any changes after a couple of days, you can increase the dosage to 3 drops twice a day.

Learn more about all our Organic Spectre complet Produits CBD, read our Guide ultime des produits CBD

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Making sure things are safe and good

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When thinking about CBD as a possible treatment for your child with ADHD, you should put safety and quality first. Here are some important things to remember:

  • Talk to a Doctor: Before giving your child a new treatment or supplement, you should talk to a health care professional who knows your child's medical background. They can give you personalised advice and help you decide what to do.
  • Choose a Reputable CBD Product: Look for CBD products that have been tested by a third party to make sure they are pure, effective, and don't have any unwanted substances. Choose goods made from hemp that was grown in an organic way and has no harmful additives.
  • Commencer par de faibles doses : Give your child a small amount of CBD at first and watch how they react. If you need to, slowly increase the dose with the help of a medical worker.
  • Check for Side Effects: CBD is usually well tolerated, but some children may have small side effects. They may feel sleepy or having stomach pain. If you have any bad reactions, stop using it and talk to a medical expert.


As a caring parent, you should look into different ways to help your child with ADHD. CBD shows promise as a possible complementary medicine. However, it's important to be careful and talk to a doctor before trying it. The information in this guide is meant to give you a full picture of how CBD can help people with ADHD. By staying aware and making smart choices, you can make the most of CBD's possible benefits and drawbacks.


Can CBD help manage ADHD symptoms?

While research is ongoing, some people with ADHD report feeling a reduction in symptoms such as hyperactivity and restlessness when using CBD. However, it's important to note that CBD is not a cure for ADHD and should not replace treatments prescribed by healthcare professionals.

How does CBD work for someone with ADHD?

CBD may interact with the body's endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating mood, sleep, and attention. This interaction can potentially help in managing some symptoms of ADHD, such as difficulty concentrating and impulsivity, but more research is needed to fully understand its effects.

What is the recommended dosage of ?

There's no one-size-fits-all dosage for CBD, especially for ADHD. Dosages can vary widely based on factors like body weight, the severity of symptoms, and the concentration of CBD in the product. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it while monitoring the effects is generally advised.

Can children with ADHD safely use CBD?

The safety and efficacy of Le CBD pour les enfants with ADHD are still under investigation. While some parents have reported improvements in their children's symptoms, it's essential to speak with a pediatrician or a specialist before giving CBD to a child. The potential impacts on a developing brain are not fully understood yet.

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