

Learn more about CBD supplements

Willkommen bei Das echte CBD. In diesem Abschnitt unserer Website haben wir alle Artikel über CBD-Ergänzungsmittel zusammengestellt. 

CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD has become a leader in the fast changing world of health and wellness because it has a wide range of health benefits and therapeutic potential. As the number of people interested in CBD keeps growing, so does the number of products on the market.

From tinctures to Kapseln, edibles to topicals, there are so many different kinds of CBD-Ergänzungen. It can be hard to know where to start. On this page we show you the many options. We explain their unique features and benefits. Furthermore, we show you how to find the best one for your needs among the sea of options.

Cannabidiol ist ein anderes Wort für CBD. Es ist ein Wirkstoff, der aus der Hanfpflanze gewonnen wird. Er kann bei der Behandlung von Krankheiten wie Schmerzen, Schlaflosigkeitund Ängste.


CBD supplements have been looked at to see if they could help ease the symptoms of many common health problems, such as anxiety and neurological disorders. Plus, it might be good for your heart and help with some kinds of Schmerzen.

Lesen Sie mehr über CBD for cardiovascular health here

If you’re interested in trying CBD supplements to manage a health condition or to support overall health, check with one of our consultants first. They can help you decide if it’s a good idea to add a CBD product to your routine and help you choose the best one.

Der ultimative Führer für echte CBD-Produkte im Online-Shop

Different CBD supplements: Looking at the options


CBD-Öl-Tinkturen may be the most common and useful type of CBD product. They are made of a pure CBD extract mixed with a carrier oil. They are usually put under the tongue for quick absorption. Because they come in different strengths and flavours, they are a good choice for both new and expert users.

Softgels and capsules with CBD

CBD capsules and softgels are a great choice for people who want a quick and easy way to take CBD. Each dose is already measured out, which makes it easy to take the same amount of CBD every time. People like Kapseln because they are easy to use and don’t stand out. This makes them good for taking on the go.


CBD-infused foods and drinks are a tasty way to add CBD to your daily life. From gummies to sweets, there are a lot of choices. The digestive process makes edibles not only taste good, but they also have an effect that lasts longer.

CBD Skin Creams

CBD-Präparate are made to target specific areas of pain if you want help in just one place. CBD-infused creams, balms, and oils can be applied directly to the Haut. This could help with sore muscles, Gelenkschmerzenund Hautpflege.

See our 20mg CBD Pain patches here

CBD verdampfen

CBD is quickly absorbed through the lungs when you vape it, so the effects come on quickly. But it’s important to be careful when picking vaping products to make sure they are safe and good.

Die Real CBD Vapes

CBD Isolates vs. CBD with the Whole Spectrum

There are two main Arten von CBD supplements: isolates and full-spectrum. CBD extracts are made up of pure CBD and no other Cannabinoide or chemicals. Vollspektrum CBD, on the other hand, has a wide range of cannabinoids, Terpene, and other beneficial chemicals, which may increase the “Entourage-Effekt.”

Getting the Right Dose

To get the most out of CBD, you need to figure out the right amount to take. Things like body weight, metabolism, and the result you want to achieve all play a part. It’s best to start with a small dose and slowly increase it until you get the effects you want.

Erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte über CBD-Dosierung

Keeping Your Needs in Mind

Bei der Auswahl eines CBD-Produkt, it’s important to think about what your health goals are. Do you want to relax, get rid of pain, or concentrate better? Different CBD goods meet different needs, so choose one based on what you want to happen.

How to Understand Lab Tests

Reputable CBD brands often share the results of testing done by a third-party lab, which ensures quality and openness. These tests make sure that there is enough CBD, that there are no contaminants, and that the amount of THC is within the legal limits.

How to read a third-party lab test

Gesetz über CBD in Spanien und der EU

Getting around the law

Different places and regions have different laws about CBD. Before you buy any CBD product, make sure you know the laws in your area, so you don’t get in trouble with the law.

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Weitere Informationen über alle unsere Produkte finden Sie in unserem vollständigen Produkthandbuch: Der ultimative Leitfaden für echte CBD-Produkte!

Wer sind wir?

Wir sind ein Familienunternehmen Wir sind ein Unternehmen, das sich auf Kundenservice und bestmögliche Beratung konzentriert. Da wir seit 4 Jahren im Geschäft sind (seit August 2017), sind wir stolz darauf, Erfahrung und Wissen zu haben. Wir wissen, wie CBD bei den häufigsten Beschwerden helfen kann. Unser Mitbegründer wurde geschult und zertifiziert, um zu wissen Medizinisches Cannabis und CBD-ÖlSie haben immer ein offenes Ohr und ein offenes Ohr für Gespräche.

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Wählen Sie Ihre Währung
The-Real CBD-Kombipack-7
18% CBD Athleten Öl-Das echte CBD-UK-Dänemark-Spanien-Deutschland
15% CBD Öl ohne THC-Das echte CBD-UK-Dänemark-Spanien-Deutschland
the-real-cbd-product-5%-with-vitamin-D3 450x400
25% CBD Öl-Das echte CBD-UK-Dänemark-Spanien-Deutschland
The-Real CBD-Kombipack-13
The-Real CBD-Kombipack-19
the-real-cbd-product-15%-with-vitamin-D3 450x400
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The Real CBD - Sleep Support Pack
The-Real CBD-Kombipack-24
The-Real CBD-Kombipack-18
The-Real CBD-Kombipack-17
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10% CBD Öl-Das echte CBD-UK-Dänemark-Spanien-Deutschland
Ursprünglicher Preis war: €55.00Aktueller Preis ist: €44.00.
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