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Archiv für die Kategorie: CBD-Öl für Läufer


Kann CBD als Teil der Trainingsroutine verwendet werden?

Introduction If you exercise frequently, then you’ve probably experienced the pain and soreness that often comes with a workout. Staying active is important for your health. It’s also important to care for yourself post-workout to make sure you are healing and recharging properly. Regular exercise can put a lot of physical stress on your body, […]


CBD für das Endocannabinoid-System

Home: CBD for the Endocannabinoid System Endocannabinoid System Scientists discovered in the early 2000s that circulating endocannabinoid levels in the human body increased during exercise. The term “runner’s high” took on a new meaning. According to a 2004 article in Runner’s World, experts were already questioning the old endorphin model. Turning to cannabinoids, specifically, anandamide […]


Kann CBD uns helfen, uns besser zu konzentrieren?

The inability to concentrate on an important activity often has serious consequences. This lack of concentration can quickly affect your daily life, including work, family, and even personal success. In the end, you will feel that you have wasted your time without getting anything in return. Can CBD help us concentrate better? The answer is […]


CBD und Sport - Die wichtige Verbindung!

Many studies claim that CBD is beneficial in helping alleviate several diseases. Seeing the positive impacts of CBD on our health, many athletes and sportspersons are using CBD oil in their training. CBD helps to boost muscle growth, reduce inflammation, accelerate regeneration, and relieve pain. Here, we are going to tell you about CBD and Sports – The important connection! 1. CBD […]


Reines CBD-Öl für Läufer

Runners and other athletes’ bodies do have special needs. The intense daily workout can put a huge strain on various muscle groups in the body while preparing for a major race or competition.  Pure CBD oil for runners can help improve recovery from pain, muscle recovery, and other effects of intense physical training. Pure CBD […]

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