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Remèdes naturels : CBD Meilleure alternative biologique

Remèdes naturels : Les meilleures alternatives biologiques

Are you really still popping pills in 2020 for a variety of maladies? Or taking dubious (prescription) medicine which causes dreadful side-effects? STOP! In this article, we have a better, more healthy suggestion for you: Organic, natural remedies to ancient-old ailments, douleur, and other disorders. Per category of ailment, we provide several CBD solutions that could be beneficial to root of the problem.

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1. CBD in general

Cannabidiol is the phytocannabinoid that, when ingested, acts directly on our neurotransmitters via the Système endocannabinoïde, having a calming, pain-relieving, and sedative effect. It is one of the main derivatives of the plant, but it does not produce a “high” when consumed, unlike THC.

It can be taken in many forms – but they all fall into three different categories:

CBD comes in a variety of forms, the most popular of which are:

  • Tinctures (oil)
  • Vape oil
  • Balms and creams
  • Les légumes secs
  • Dab
  • Water-soluble powder
  • Capsules

Dosing CBD

This is vital to the success of taking CBD. Sometimes people ‘jump straight in the deep end', but that is far from doing the right thing. Basically, it is similar to dosing with any other supplement. It depends on a large number of factors, such as your weight, gender, the CBD form, and a large number of other things. To learn more about the right dosage for you, please read this page about Dosage du CBD.

2. Stress and Anxiety: Relax with CBD

It's no surprise that CBD has some tremendous relaxing properties. If you train every day and are under a lot of pressure, stress is an inevitable consequence.

Smaller doses of CBD (10 mg-25 mg) have a light sedation effect and help your body release sérotonine, the neurotransmitter that causes a feeling of happiness, and improved mood and mental well-being. People who are not athletes do not know the micromanagement that a sports career needs. All meals on time, dedication and an iron discipline can really put pressure on the psyche.

The best athletes turn to CBD to help them with their stress management and relaxation. An athlete's life isn't just the exercise ground, supplements and meals on time – sometimes it's all about relaxing.

Besides athletes, many business professionals that act under a huge amount of stress on a daily basis take Huile de CBD. The same goes for adolescents, young professionals and middle-aged people that suffer from anxiety and stress.

Découvrez le monde du CBD et le cannabis at these premier…

3. Pain – CBD as a Natural pain killer

Ici, à La vraie CBD, we write a lot about (natural) remedies for douleur. Why? Because many people suffer on a day-to-day basis from some sort of pain. Especially once you have reached a certain age, pain is inevitable…unfortunately. But it doesn't have to be…..

We even developed a special CBD Oil with Tumeric.

Douleurs articulaires

Douleurs articulaires can be so excruciating that pain killers have become the instant cure for people suffering from it. You take these medicines to get quick relief and allow you to go back to your regular activities.

However, being dependent on pain killers or any medications to relieve pain can be harmful to your health in the long run, especially because your body develops a natural resistance to painkillers from frequent use, rendering them less effective. Many people have shifted to natural treatments to avoid side effects and other health complications in the future.

Turmeric as a Pain Relief Tool

Curcumin, an active compound in curcuma, is known for its antioxidant and activity that can promote healing. Like ginger, studies have found that curcuma may have douleur-reducing power equal in some cases to that of prescription and over-the-counter medications.


4. Rheumatism – Does CBD oil help?

CBD oil can make a serious contribution to relieving the symptoms of rheumatismRheumatism is responsible for affecting the joints, muscles and tendons. Usually, various medications are prescribed against the pain and to prevent further development of inflammation. What about the influence of CBD oil on rheumatism?

What does rheumatism mean?

Rheumatism is a comprehensive disease. It is actually a collective term for more than 100 disorders of joints, muscles and tendons. Rheumatism occurs in all age groups. There are also children with, for example, juvenile rheumatism. Approximately 2 million people live with pain, stiffness and fatigue every day as a result of their illness. Most forms of rheumatism can be treated, but they cannot be cured. It is in fact a chronic disorder.

Rheumatism can be divided into 3 forms

  • Inflammatory rheumatism. This is the form in which inflammation in the body damages joints, among other things. An estimated 420,000 people suffer from a form of inflammatory rheumatism.
  • Arthrose. Arthrosis causes the cartilage in the joints to wear out (or even disappear). Approximately 1.1 million people suffer from l'arthrose in one or more joints.
  • Alert rheumatism. In this case, people have symptoms such as muscles, ligaments, tendons and the capsule around joints. Approximately 240,000 people have some form of soft tissue rheumatism.

CBD oil and rheumatism: what that combination can bring you

Our body has an système endocannabinoïde. This system is the most important physiological system of the human body. The endocannabinoid system has different tasks in the body, for example it takes care of experiencing pain stimuli. If this system is not balanced, it may be that pain stimuli are passed on in a different way. This is because too few cannabinoids are present that activate the receptors. The result is that more pain is experienced.

The cannabinoids in the body's own system are very similar to the cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are found in CBD oil. By using CBD oil for rheumatism, the cannabinoids in the body can be replenished. The system will be rebalanced. CBD oil can also soften the pain stimuli that are passed on too strongly. This ensures that the patient has less pain.

5. CBD oil affects inflammation

Since rheumatism often involves inflammation of the body, this is an important point to discuss. CBD oil not only affects the pain symptoms, but it also works as a natural anti-inflammatory. This is certainly a good reason to use CBD oil for a form of inflammatory rheumatism. Because of this, the inflammation will decrease and most likely not increase.


Arthrite is an inflammation of the joints that can be caused by rheumatic diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthrite), injuries or infection bactérienne (septic ). If one joint is affected then it is called monoarthritis, if 2-4 joints are inflamed then it is called oligoarthritis, and if 5 or more joints are inflamed then the term polyarthritis is used.

Arthrite is distinguished from : painful joints due to wear and tear, without inflammation. It is confusing that the latter condition is called l'arthrose.

Research has been done into the effect of CBD oil in arthritis. This research was carried out on mice. The study showed that CBD could possibly serve as an anti-inflammatory agent. They saw in mice that CBD offers significant protection to the tissue connections. Inflammations are often found in those tissue connections.

In this research it appears that CBD can have an influence on the occurrence and development of inflammation, but also on our further système immunitaire. As far as the système immunitaire is concerned, it's simple addition: A disrupted système immunitaire makes the body sick. The body has more difficulty in preventing or fighting inflammations that occur, for example, with rheumatism.

6. Could CBD Oil be helpful against rheumatism and Arthritis?

Because of the many properties CBD oil has, it is able to reduce the complaints associated with rheumatism. Think not only of the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. CBD oil does more for you than that; it has a positive influence on sleep and mood. You can read more about the effect of CBD oil on your sleep here.

Rheumatism often involves more than just pain and other physical complaints and limitations. People often also suffer from psychological problems because life has changed so much since they became ill. More about the influence CBD oil has on anxiety can be found in chapter one.

7. Sports injuries and recovery – CBD oil and patches

The-Real CBD-Combopack-22

CBD oil can be used very well with various sports injuries. Especially in America, CBD oil is a popular product to use professionally.

You'd be surprised that top athletes use CBD – even Iron Mike Tyson has a cannabis ranch. This is because CBD is very beneficial for athletes, especially when it comes to healing and recovery.

Professional athletes have been using CBD for many different purposes for quite some time now. Any high-intensity sport leads to injury, tension or simply pressure, where CBD is very useful.

CBD also helps with recovery, which is an integral part of any sport. Recovery is the first step towards increasing muscle mass, endurance and sports performance. CBD also has a multitude of benefits, all of which work for the athlete.

8. CBD pain patches

L'administration topique du CBD contourne le système nerveux central. digestif pour l'absorption non diluée de cannabinoïdes directly into the bloodstream. You get fast-acting effects with constant long-term relief. Each patch has 8mg of concentrated CBD. Packed with ingrédients naturels to give you extra health benefits and quick pain relief. You will get 2 sheets of 15 patches in a small handy resealable envelope. This is sufficient for 30 days of pain-relieving daily life.

The body heat activates the patch, prompting it to begin releasing CBD through the peau et dans la circulation sanguine. En outre, il est fourni progressivement et constamment, plutôt qu'en une seule dose importante.

How long does it take before the CBD Patches to work?

Les Hemp-Infused Patches are simply placed on the skin, worn for a prescribed period of time, and removed. This also makes it convenient. You can remove and replace a patch yourself. Important to change the place where the patch is put to avoid adhesive allergy. 1 patch lasts for 24H. You can expect the CBD to take effect within 15 minutes after applying to the skin.

En savoir plus sur le CBD

9. Special CBD athletes Oil

Sports injuries can really be an absolute pain and can hamper your performance for a long time. CBD can be a great way to relieve the stress associated with a sports injury and can significantly reduce pain.

CBD in moderate doses (15mg-30mg) interacts with the body and affects your endocannabinoid receptors, reducing acute and douleur chronique. If your pain is severe, you should slowly increase the dose before you achieve the desired effect.

Every athlete will tell you that sports injuries hurt a lot and are so very frustrating. CBD is a completely natural alternative to painkillers and does not cause addiction. It is a great way to deal with sports injuries, the stress and pain they cause, and this will speed up recovery time with a significant leap.

It will at least make the injury much more bearable.



10. Insomnia and sleeping disorders – CBD Sleep Oil

Le manque de sommeil est typiquement un phénomène de notre époque. Pour tenter de briser le cercle vicieux du manque de sommeil, les gens optent massivement pour des somnifères sur ordonnance. Mais ces médicaments font souvent plus de mal que de bien.

Les somnifères sont parfois prescrits par les médecins lorsque vous souffrez de insomnie. Cela permet de s'endormir plus rapidement ou de mieux dormir. Il existe de nombreux types de somnifères sur le marché. Le stress causé par la pression professionnelle, l'anxiété et les soucis financiers sont souvent en cause.

Les somnifères les plus couramment prescrits sont oxazépam (marque Seresta) et témazépam (nom de marque Normisom). Ces médicaments font partie de ce que l'on appelle les benzodiazépinesLa plupart des sédatifs et des somnifères appartiennent à ce groupe. La plupart des sédatifs et des somnifères appartiennent à ce groupe.

Les benzodiazépines ont un effet positif à court terme, mais elles créent une forte dépendance à long terme. Les benzodiazépines ont un effet positif à court terme, mais créent une forte dépendance à long terme. femmes et le personnes âgées semblent utiliser relativement beaucoup de sédatifs. Le groupe des "accros au benzover" est donc le plus important d'entre eux.

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La réadaptation doit être progressive et faire l'objet d'une surveillance adéquate. Même dans ce cas, seule la moitié des personnes dépendantes aux somnifères parviennent réellement à arrêter la prise du médicament.

Les effets secondaires négatifs des sédatifs

Les effets secondaires négatifs des sédatifs (benzodiazépines) sont importants et carrément dangereux. Les somnifères provoquent la somnolence, la lenteur et la faiblesse musculaire.

Also, you no longer have coordination and concentration skills and memory loss, habituation and addiction occur. Your functioning deteriorates during the day, as does your conduite skills. Elderly people who take sleeping pills are known to fall more often and break a hip.

L'oxazépam et le témazépam sont également connus pour éliminer la capacité de rêver. Ces médicaments aident à supprimer les peurs qui, autrement, vous empêcheraient de dormir paisiblement.

Nous ne savons pas quelles sont les conséquences de l'absence de rêve pendant une période prolongée, mais il est certain que les rêves jouent un rôle crucial dans le traitement des émotions.

Symptômes de sevrage

The withdrawal symptoms after stopping sleep medication are also large. A summary: palpitations, anxiety attacks, irritability, agitation, muscle twitching, tremors, hard tense muscles, diarrhea, dizziness, hypersensitivity to light, sound or touch, burning skin, loss of interest, concentration disorder, decreased appetite, nausées, maux de tête, blurred vision and – how ironic! – fatigue and insomnie.

Les somnifères courants que nous utilisons pour passer une bonne nuit de sommeil font souvent plus de mal que de bien.

11. CBD oil and the effect on sleep

Le CBD est connu pour ses effets sédatifs et lorsqu'il est consommé en grandes quantités (de 35 mg à 50 mg). En ce qui concerne le sommeil, le Propriétés relaxantes du CBD improve qualité du sommeil, frequency and longevity.

Contrairement à mélatonine, sleep aid CBD has no direct influence on your sleep. It works anti-inflammatory and soothing, and in combination, they can cause drowsiness, fatigue, and give you a good night's sleep.

Les sportifs, et plus encore ceux qui ne souffrent pas de troubles du sommeil, vous diront que le sommeil est tout aussi important que le régime alimentaire et l'exercice physique. Le sommeil reconstitue l'énergie, aide à la cicatrisation des fibres musculaires et améliore l'humeur.

Lorsqu'elle est consommée avec modération et en petites quantités, l'huile de CBD ne provoque pas de fatigue ni de somnolence au milieu de la journée chez la plupart des gens. Si c'est le cas, envisagez la réduction de la quantité de CBD vous consommez ou prenez-le une heure avant d'aller vous coucher.

12. Overweight – CBD as a natural appetite suppressant

More than 50% of the adult population suffers from overweight, eating disorders or obesity. A rather painful stat if you ask us, but the worst is not even in sight.  Today, 1.9 billion adults are overweight and 650 million people live with obesity – 40 million of those being children aged 0-5. If current tendances En 2022, il y aura plus d'enfants et d'adolescents souffrant d'obésité que d'insuffisance pondérale modérée ou sévère.

Plus qu'une alimentation saine et suffisamment d'exercice

"Parce que perdre du poids ne se résume pas à une alimentation saine et à de l'exercice physique", explique le professeur Liesbeth van Rossum de la faculté de médecine Erasmus. En tant qu'interniste, elle traite les personnes souffrant d'obésité et mène également des recherches sur les causes et le traitement de l'obésité.

Elle explique que l'obésité est liée à plusieurs facteurs. "Outre une alimentation malsaine et un manque d'exercice physique, d'autres éléments jouent un rôle majeur. Par exemple, stressmais aussi le manque de sommeil (see other chapters in this article!) and an environment that invites you to eat unhealthy foods. You have to be strong in your shoes to ignore the sausage rolls at the station when your blood sugar level is low at the end of the day”.

Le "gras" des médicaments

Les médicaments ont également une grande influence sur le poids. "De nombreuses personnes obèses prennent des médicaments pour dépression, le diabète and high tension artérielle. Certains d'entre eux ont pour effet secondaire une prise de poids". Au lieu de prescrire immédiatement des médicaments, il est important d'examiner d'abord le mode de vie.

Selon Mme Van Rossum, les personnes en surpoids doivent s'intéresser davantage à l'individu. "Pourquoi cette personne est-elle trop grosse ? Est-ce que quelqu'un a un traitement à la prednisone alors qu'il mène une vie parfaitement saine ? Il ne suffit pas de manger plus de carottes pour perdre du poids".

13. Skin irritation and conditions – CBD skincare

Il existe plus de 3 000 affections cutanées différentes. Chaque affection cutanée peut se manifester à un moment précis de la vie. Les personnes à la peau sensible font partie du groupe le plus touché. Il en va de même pour les adolescents et les personnes âgées. Outre la capacité naturelle à résoudre les problèmes de peau (que faire !?), les ingrédients utilisés dans nos produits de douche et de salle de bain peuvent être les coupables, ou parfois les accélérateurs, des troubles cutanés.

La plupart des cosmétiques vendus contiennent de nombreux ingrédients chimiques. Si 60% de ce que vous mettez sur votre peau est absorbé par votre corps, pourquoi le frotter avec quelque chose que vous ne mangeriez pas ?

Les ingrédients d'un gel douche ou d'une crème pour le visage ordinaire ne conviennent pas à la consommation. Cependant, ces ingrédients pénètrent dans l'organisme par la peau. Certaines de ces substances sont très dangereuses ; elles ont été associées à cancer et les troubles hormonaux.

En outre, nombre de ces substances sont également très nocives pour l'environnement.

Mais quels sont les ingrédients à éviter ?

Il est de plus en plus évident que les cosmétiques contiennent souvent des ingrédients qui ne sont pas bons pour la santé.

La première fois que vous lisez la liste des ingrédients d'un gel douche ou d'un shampoing, vous êtes découragé. Que sont toutes ces substances et que font-elles dans ce produit ?

Voici une liste des treize substances à proscrire, et pourquoi !

  • Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) et Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
  • Parabènes
  • Imidazolidinyl Urée et Diazolidinyl Urée
  • Huiles minérales (petrolatum, petroleum, paraffinum liquidum)
  • Propylène Glycol
  • Parfums/parfumerie
  • Triéthanolamine (TEA)
  • PEGs
  • Triclosan

14. CBD infused skincare products

otre baume naturel fait à la main à base de chanvre biologique CBD peut être très bénéfique pour votre peau. En plus des soins quotidiens soins de la peauLe baume nourrissant et réparateur peut également être utilisé pour traiter et adoucir la peau dans les zones où elle a besoin d'une protection supplémentaire. les piqûres d'insectes, blisters or burns.  Additionally, cannabidiol (CBD) has antioxidant properties and could slow down the ageing of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

CBD balm against eczema

Baume CBD has shown very beneficial to psoriasis et eczéma. Apply several times a day on affected areas.  This can also be used free on baby skin, children or animals. Only for superficial skin treatments.

The balsam is not intended for oral ingestion but should be applied on the skin. After applying, the cream will be absorbed into the skin quite quickly, which means that bandages and other medical covering are un-necessary.

More benefits of our Pure CBD Healing Balm on skin conditions

  • Acné
  • Psoriasis
  • Anti-rides
  • Rosacée
  • Dermatite
  • Taches sèches
  • Coup de soleil
  • "Brûlures" après irradiation
  • Les ampoules comme symptôme de chimiothérapie
  • Talons fendus
  • Réduit les vergetures

The positive effects of CBD on our skin

  • Baume CBD calms the skin
  • CBD helps the inflammation (acné)
  • L'huile d'olive hydrate la peau
  • Vitamin E is anti-âge
  • Beeswax is anti-inflammatory
  • Beeswax is antioxidant
  • La lavande est calmante
  • La camomille est calmante

Below we have highlighted some of the most common skin disorders/diseases that could be treated with the help of Produits CBD.


What's acne? The medical term for juvenile pimples is acne vulgaris, or acne. Acne is a skin condition in which blackheads (comedones), pimples (pustules), red bumps (papules) and/or subcutaneous inflammation (nodules) occur. It usually manifests itself on the face, chest, back, neck and/or shoulders.


What's rosacea? Rosacea is a chronic skin condition in the face that is most common in people (usually women) between 30 and 50 years of age. The most noticeable symptom is an evenly distributed (diffuse) redness, with dilated blood vessels visible. us inflammation (nodules) occur. It usually manifests itself on the face, chest, back, neck and/or shoulders.


Qu'est-ce que eczéma? Eczema is an inflammatory reaction of the skin that manifests itself in redness, small blisters, scaling, swelling, red lumps, crusts and is often accompanied by a lot of itching. Approximately 10-20% of children and 3-5% of adults have some form of eczema.


Qu'est-ce que psoriasis? Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition in which red spots with white flakes appear on the skin. These spots can occur all over the body, but especially on the elbows, knees, shins and under the head hair. Sometimes the spots itch or hurt.


What are the benefits of using Le CBD contre le stress et l'anxiété?

CBD is known for its calming effects, which can help alleviate stress and anxiety. It interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system to potentially elevate mood by influencing the body's natural neurotransmitters. Regular use of CBD, in doses of 10-25 mg, may promote a sense of well-being and relaxation.

Comment les CBD act as a natural pain reliever?

CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce discomfort associated with pain, especially joint pain and chronic conditions. It works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in the body, which plays a part in pain sensation and inflammation.

Peut CBD oil help with rheumatism and arthritis symptoms?

CBD oil is beneficial for rheumatism and arthritis as it can reduce pain and inflammation. It may help rebalance the endocannabinoid system, which can alter pain perception and inflammation in the body, providing relief to those suffering from chronic joint disorders.

What role does CBD play in sports injury recovery?

CBD is commonly used in the sports community for its potential to enhance recovery. It can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and aid in récupération musculaire by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system, making it a popular choice for athletes dealing with injuries or post-workout recovery.

Comment les CBD assist in managing insomnia and sleeping disorders?

CBD can have sedative effects, particularly in higher doses ranging from 35 mg to 50 mg. It may help improve sleep quality by reducing anxiety and pain, common culprits behind sleep disturbances. Unlike traditional sleeping pills, CBD offers a natural alternative without the risk of addiction or serious side effects.

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