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Qu'est-ce qu'une huile de support CBD ou CBG ?

Qu'est-ce que l'huile de support CBD ou CBG ? The Real CBD

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When it comes to CBD extracts, you may think they only contain CBD. However, many Produits CBD are actually mixed with other carrier ingredients. What is CBD and CBG carrier oil in fact? Carrier oils dilute the concentrated extracts, so they can be applied under the tongue without harsh tests, and the amount determines the strength of the product. Carrier oils or base oil can have different health benefits, and some producers use a specific oil for a reason. For example, using Huile MCT for Athlete Produits CBD have good benefits for recovery and focus. 

Qu'est-ce que l'huile de CBD ?

CBD, abréviation de , is a chemical compound from the Cannabis sativa plant. It's a naturally occurring substance that's used in products like oils and edibles to impart your overall health and to help manage douleur. Unlike its cousin, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (), which is the major active ingredient in marijuana, CBD is not psychoactive. CBD is part of many cannabinoïdes you find in the cannabis/chanvre plant. Most abundantly found in the flowers of the female plant. CBD has shown to connect with the human système endocannabinoïde to regulate many functions in the body.

CBD creates homéostasie (balance) in the body, which affects our overall health and wellbeing.

CBG oil – What is it?

CBG stands for cannabigérol and is currently being studied for its potential pharmacological properties but hasn't been in any clinical trials (yet!).

So far, in-vitro and rat studies have shown some indications that CBG may help with colitis, neurodegeneration, and cancer.

We don't know much about CBG. It's not a common cannabinoid, noting that it's not found in large quantities within the cannabis and hemp plant.

Cannabigérol (CBG) is the precursor to CBD, CBC, and THC, The MOTHER CANNABINOID if you want. It's sometimes referred to as the stem cell. What does that mean? CBGA (the acidic, inactive form of CBG) changes, is broken down and becomes the base molecule that other cannabinoïdes form from, including THC, CBD, and CBC.

The magic starts with CBGA and that transforms into all the other known cannabinoïdes which together make up for a spectre complet CBD ou Huile CBG.

What is carrier oil?

The-Real-CBD-Blog-Comment faire de la distillation

Carrier oils or base oils are made from plants. Carrier oils are used to dilute other fat soluble or extract oils and “carry” them into your system. That's because CBD or CBG oils are potent and strong and can have a bitter or harsh taste. Mostly, the carrier oil determines the strength of the finished product.

Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and don't interfere with the CBD oil's therapeutic properties.

Keep reading to learn more about choosing the right carrier oil, some of the different carrier oils available, and more.

Different carrier oils and their benefits!

The most common carrier oils used to produce Huile de CBD sont :

Hemp seed oil as carrier oil

One of the biggest, most widely-known benefits that huile de chanvre can provide is a considerable decrease in cardiovascular disease risk. It's also known to be anti-carcinogenic. It's also worth noting that hemp seed oil has an incredible amount of benefits for the peau and scalp. The hemp seed oil has an incredible amount of benefits that are quite intriguing, as well as its high Omega-3 and 6 levels, making it one of the best oils for human consumption.

Carrier oil – MCT oil (Medium Chain Triglycerides)

MCT molecules are smaller than those in most of the fats you eat (long-chain triglycerides [LCT]). This makes it easier to digest. You can absorb MCT in your bloodstream quickly. This turns it into energy you can use. MCT oil is usually made from coconut or palm kernel oil. Some of the benefits MCT offers are:

  • Perte de poids
  • Appetite control
  • Extra energy for exercise
  • Better focus

Olive oil Carrier oil

Olive oil is widely recognized as one of the world's healthiest oils. In fact, people tend to live longer and healthier lives in regions where olive oil is a staple part of the diet. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is the highest quality olive oil available, extracted from the olive fruit without the use of any heat or chemicals. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a Fantastic Source of Antioxidants and Healthy Fats. Olive oil could potentially reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and age-related démence. The phenolic components of Extra Virgin Olive Oil may help clear the compounds that cause brain degeneration.

Coconut oil


Coconut oil contains vitamin E, but no fibre and little to no other vitamins or minerals. It is almost 100% fat, most of which is saturated fat. However, the structure of fat in coconut oil differs from that of many animal products, which mainly consist of long-chain fatty acids. Coconut oil is high in MCTs. These are harder for the body to convert into stored fat and easier to burn off than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). Supporters of coconut oil attribute many of its benefits to the high MCT content.

Other carrier oils have been seen on the CBD market, but the above-mentioned are the most popular and the most efficient for absorption.

Can CBD/CBG oil go “bad”?

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For many people, CBD oil is a godsend treatment that helps with uncomfortable health problems such as dépression, anxiety, inflammation, and . Recent studies have already proven many such benefits and even encourage the use of CBD oil.

But what is the shelf life of a CBD oil and can it go bad? CBD oil will eventually go bad, but you can usually extend the shelf life by choosing a decent brand or product. CBD oil is also very shelf-stable, which simply means that it stays fresh for a long time and often more than twelve months in the right conditions.

You must make sure of the following to keep your CBD oil fresh for the longest:

  • Dark-colored bottle because oil is light-sensitive
  • Make sure it has a “best before” date
  • Keep it in a dark, cool place (not the fridge)
  • When you open the bottle for the first time, check the security ring is intact
  • As you take your daily dose, lift the dropper out of the bottle, press the pipette BEFORE you place it back into the bottle to “suck” up the drops you want to take. This is to avoid oxidizing the oil in the bottle, by pressing air into it every time you want to take your dose. 

If you make sure all of the above is fulfilled, you will make sure your CBD oil lasts and keeps fresh.

More about CBD from our Experts:

Can you dilute your CBD oil?

Wikipedia says*: Dilution is the process of decreasing the concentration of a solute in a solution, usually simply by mixing with more solvent like adding more liquid to a solution. To dilute a solution means to add more solvent without the addition of more solute. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed to ensure that all parts of the solution are identical.

So if your CBD oil is a 10% (1000 mg/10ml) and you want it to be weaker in strength, then you just have to find out what the manufacturer's carrier oil is (that should be on the label or the information inlay) and add some of the same oil.

Ex. by adding 10ml oil to the above-mentioned 10% you will end up with a 5% Huile CBD. 1000 mg CBD in 20ml carrier oil = 5% solution

If you don't have the exact same oil at hand then you can, of course, add any other oil, but that might alter the taste of the product.

*source: Wikipedia –

The Real CBD different carrier oils!

Huile de graines de chanvre

We have chosen to use Hemp seed oil in the majority of our products because we wanted to keep the end product as close to the natural starting point (the hemp plant). Hemp seeds are exceptionally nutritious and rich in healthy fats, protein, and various minerals. They are the seed of the Cannabis Sativa plant which, when grown for seed or fibre and with low THC, is known as hemp. These lovely seeds have been called the first cultivated crop by humans, as it appears in texts from the beginning of recorded history. Hemp seed has no drug content and is purely a health food item. Most hemp seed oils are made by cold pressing to keep all the compounds intact.

Huile MCT

In our Athlete CBD oil and our 40% Huile CBD, we have chosen to use MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) oil for its brilliant benefits. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are fats found in foods like coconut oil. They're metabolized differently than the long-chain triglycerides (LCT) found in most other foods. Unlike longer-chain fatty acids, MCTs go straight to your liver, where they can be used as an instant energy source or turned into ketones.

Because the calories contained in MCTs are more efficiently turned into energy and used by the body, they're less likely to be stored as fat. Since the MCT is digested quicker than the LCT, it gets to be used as energy first. This means that the CBD will enter the bloodstream quickly and efficiently, being “carried” by the MCT oil.

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