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L'impact de l'huile de CBD sur l'organisme


Accueil " Comment Huile de CBD Impacts the Body

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What's CBD?

How CBD Oil Impacts the Body? But let's first see what is CBD? CBD contained in Huile de CBD is an abbreviation of cannabidiol, one of the many parts of the chanvre or cannabis plant (cannabis sativa). Cannabidiol is, to be precise, a cannabinoïde, a particular chemical compound found in the plant. 120 cannabinoïdes have been discovered in the cannabis plant that have not been found in any other plant. The best known and most researched cannabinoid is THC (tétrahydrocannabinol), a psychoactive substance that makes you ‘high'.

Cannabidiol is the main non-psychoactive substance of the cannabis plant. Like all cannabinoïdes in the cannabis plant, it occurs as an acid in the plant. Scientists have long suspected a healing effect of CBD and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids, and more and more research is being conducted into it nowadays. Many studies already confirm a healing effect of CBD and it is believed that its potential is enormous.

Qu'est-ce que l'huile de CBD ?

After the extraction of CBD from the cannabis plant, an oily substance remains that contains different cannabinoids in different proportions. This depends on the extraction method, the type of hemp plant and where it comes from. If one takes the whole plant (flowers, leaves and stem) or just the buds (flowers), whether all the components of the plant material are taken. CBD oil is therefore an oil that mainly contains the active ingredient cannabidiol. Huile de CBD is available in different concentrations for different applications and in different carrier oils.

What is the effect of CBD in our body?

In order to better understand our body's own système endocannabinoïde, it is useful to know more about receptors in our body. Our body consists of millions of cells and each cell is surrounded by a cell wall or membrane. These cell walls contain receptors. Receptors are a type of protein that a specific molecule can bind to and influence. When a substance binds to the receptor on the cell wall, the cell will be stimulated and then triggered into a certain action.

The discovery of the CB1 and CB2 receptors

In 1988 it was discovered that THC binds to the CB1 receptor that occurs in the brain. CB1 in this case stands for Cannabinoid Binding receptor type 1. This receptor occurs in the central nervous system, i.e. the brain and our spinal cord. CB1 receptors are most commonly found in the part of the brain responsible for douleur perception, appetite, memory, emotions, sleep, controlling coordination, movement and regulating body temperature. About 5 years later, in 1993, the CB2-receptor was discovered. This stands, of course, for Cannabinoid Binding receptor type 2. These receptors are found in the système immunitaire and in the arms and legs. These receptors influence the functioning of the système immunitaire and can play a role in douleur and tissue damage.

Science found a new receptor in 2019 – The CB3 receptor

Now, however, scientists think they've pinpointed a new cannabinoid receptor, one that could crack open a new smorgasbord of healing possibilities.

The molecule in question goes by the name GPR55, but may soon be known as CB3. The molecule itself was first discovered in 1999 in various parts of the brain—the hippocampus, cerebellum, thalamus, etc. But newer research has discovered that it also hides out in more remote parts of the body, such as the spleen, gastrointestinal tract and adrenal glands.

The potential here is gigantic. It could explain why CBD oil is has such a diverse range of health benefits, many of which are proven through trials but poorly understood from a scientific perspective. If researchers could unlock the mechanism by which medical cannabis operates, it could lead us toward developing new and more effective therapies for all kinds of diseases.

But not just that. Discovering a new layer of the système endocannabinoïde has enormous potential to teach us about the way that our bodies function—and fight disease.

How CBD Oil Impacts the Body?

Where are the receptors located mainly in the body?


Récepteurs CB1

  • Cerveau
  • Poumons
  • Muscles
  • Reproductive System
  • Système cardiovasculaire

Récepteurs CB2

  • Système immunitaire
  • Globules blancs
  • Rate
  • Bones
  • Peau
  • Colon

CB1 and CB2 receptors

  • Foie
  • Moelle osseuse
  • Pancreas

Discovery of cannabinoids

After scientists discovered the different receptors, they were faced with a major issue. Why is a human body equipped with receptors that bind to foreign substances? Research has shown that the human body produces substances that are almost identical to cannabinoids. This is where the term endocannabinoids comes from. Endo means ‘body's own'. The système endocannabinoïde (ECS) therefore stands for our body's own cannabinoid system.

Agonists – Antagonists

Most cells in a human body have many different receptors on their surface. A receptor has a very specific structure and only substances that fit exactly in this structure can attach themselves to it. This principle can be compared to a key that only fits in one lock. Receptors can be influenced by a certain substance in different ways. These substances are also called ‘Agonists' and ‘Antagonists'.


An agonist binds to a receptor and activates it. A certain reaction will occur in the cell. THC, for example, binds to the CB1 receptors, causing a certain effect (feeling high). CBD cannot bind to the CB1 receptors. This could immediately explain the non-psychoactive effect of CBD.


Antagonists do not bind to a receptor, unlike an agonist. What they do is to prevent a particular receptor from being activated. Antagonists are also called ‘blockers'.

As described above, CBD can trigger CB1 and CB2 receptors. By blocking the CB1-receptor, the ‘high' effect of THC is inhibited. This is not only this way CBD can affect the human body. There are many more different factors that can be influenced by CBD.

FAAH enzyme

CBD ends up on other receptors such as sérotonine, adenosine and vannilloid. CBD reduces the action of the FAAH enzyme, this enzyme plays a role in the breakdown of anandamide, which is a body's own cannabinoid that has a similar effect to THC. The human body would thus be able to get a natural high by producing anandamine. Anandamine plays an important role in pain regulation and the transmission of serotonin, our lucky hormone.

GPR55 receptor (CB3 receptor)

This receptor plays a role in regulating tension artérielle and bone density.

Serotonin receptor

Serotonin is also known as our ‘lucky duster'. This receptor affects, among other things, memory, appetite, mood and sleep. Too little serotonin can lead to aggression and depression. When there is a high serotonin content in the body, the CBD can bind to the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A and activate it. The 5-HT1A receptor is responsible for important neurologique processes such as addiction, l'anxiété, appetite, sleep, and perception of pain.

Adenosine receptor

This receptor mainly makes us feel sleepy. During sleep this receptor is broken down again by the body.

This is one way to how CBD Oil Impacts the body.

Qu'est-ce que le système endocannabinoïde ?

How CBD Oil Impacts Body?

Les système endocannabinoïde was discovered about 30 years ago. This system is very important on several processes in our body. But, what is the système endocannabinoïde anyway?

Our body naturally produces cannabinoids, which are very similar to the cannabinoids also found in cannabis, the so-called phyto-cannabinoids. The substances are so similar, that the human body sees the phyto-cannabinoids  from cannabis as the body's own.

The cannabinoids and the receptors in our body together form the endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system can be seen as a kind of ‘control system' of our body. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for many different basic functions in our body.

  • Perception de la douleur
  • Mémoire
  • State of mind
  • Digestion
  • Système immunitaire
  • Temper
  • Appétit

How does the endocannabinoid system work?

The endocannabinoid System is crucial for Homéostasie and to understand the ECS, it first helps to understand what homéostasie is.

Basically, homéostasie is your body's efforts to keep everything in the right zone. It tries to keep your internal environment stable and optimal no matter what's going on in the environment around you. Think of all the gauges in the dashboard of a car. Those all tell the operator whether things are—or aren't operating in the proper zone.

Just like the electronics in a car, your body works continuously to monitor important levels and functions in your body. Is your temperature too high, too low, or just right? Are your hormone levels what they should be? Is your heart beating too fast? Do you need fuel or rest? Is too much of something building up in your bloodstream or inside of your cells?

When something is operating outside of the right range, your body activates the endocannabinoid system to help correct it. So when you're really hot and begin to sweat, thank your endocannabinoid syetem for working to cool you down. Stomach growling? That's your ECS helping remind you to eat because you need fuel.

Endocannabinoid Deficiency

As medical science has learned more about the ECS, it's also discovered several conditions that appear to be related to dys-regulation of the system, which is called clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD). CECD isn't a disease itself, but is an term describing conditions with this common feature.

Conditions for which there is evidence that CECD may play a role include:

These conditions are sometimes called “functional conditions” or “central sensitivity syndromes.” They tend to be resistant to most treatments, so researchers are looking into cannabis-based treatments.

Par exemple, involves the central and peripheral nervous systems, the immune system, the endocrine (hormonal) system, and even the digestive system. It's also been linked to premature peri-menopause, problems with conception, and early hysterectomy. Temperature sensitivity and poor memory are common symptoms.

That seems like a grab-bag of unrelated problems until you think about homeostasis and the ECS.

The properties of CBD / cannabidiol

Cannabidiol can work at a deep physiological and biological level and therefore have a positive effect on a variety of complaints. In this report of the World Health Organization (WHO), for example, the following properties of cannabidiol are mentioned:

  • strong antioxidant
  • analgésique
  • antibacterial
  • anti-inflammatoire
  • anti-epileptic (antispasmodic)
  • antidepressant
  • anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing or nerve-quenching)
  • antipsychotic
  • antitumor
  • neuroprotective

How to choose the right CBD product (in the right situation)

Choosing the right CBD product can be daunting task. There are many different brands, products and forms of CBD available nowadays. Not to mention the difference in quality that has flooded the market.

Therefore, we always recommend to get in touch with certified, and knowledgeable companies that have an immaculate reputation in the CBD-branche. If you are looking for more information, we are more than happy to help you on your way. First of all, we recommend you to download our E-Book: Une vie plus heureuse et plus saine grâce au CBD.

This 16-page E-Book includes SECRETS que la plupart des marques de CBD veulent vous cacher! Moreover, in this guide, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions, such as: Is CBD safe to take? What could CBD help treat? And how much CBD should you take?

FAQ – How CBD oil impacts the body?

How does CBD oil interact with the body?

CBD oil interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate various physiological processes like mood, appetite, pain sensation, and immune response.

Quels sont les risques potentiels ? avantages de l'utilisation du CBD huile ?

Some potential benefits of using CBD oil include relief from pain, , l'anxiété, , and seizures. It may also have neuroprotective properties and could potentially help with conditions like et sclérose en plaques.

Can CBD oil make you high?

No, CBD oil does not have psychoactive effects like THC, the compound in cannabis that produces a “high.” CBD is non-intoxicating and will not cause euphoria or impairment.

How long does it take for CBD oil to work in the body?

The onset of effects can vary depending on factors like dosage, method of consumption, and individual metabolism. Generally, effects may be felt within 15-30 minutes when using methods like vaping or sublingual administration, while it may take up to an hour or more for effects to be noticeable with oral ingestion.

Is CBD oil safe to use?

CBD oil is generally considered safe for most people when used as directed. However, it may cause side effects in some individuals, such as dry mouth, drowsiness, diarrhea, or changes in appetite. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medication.

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