Archive d’auteur pour : Hanne - La vraie CBD

Publications par Hanne - La vraie CBD

Le cannabis dans les soins palliatifs

Introduction At La vraie CBD, we understand the importance of giving good information on CBD for palliative care. Palliative care plays a crucial role in making the quality of life for individuals facing serious illnesses better. With the increasing popularity of CBD as an additional therapy, it's important to explore its benefits and understand how […]

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Que sont les cannabinoïdes ? - Quel est leur rôle ?

Introduction: Understanding Cannabinoïdes sont un groupe de composés chimiques de la famille des plantes. Ils interagissent avec les , which plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and overall well-being. While the cannabis plant contains numerous varieties of them, the most well-known are tétrahydrocannabinol () et (CBD). Cannabinoids have gained significant attention […]

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Qu'est-ce que le HHC et que fait-il ?

Qu'est-ce que HHC et que fait-il ? Les scientifiques connaissent l'herbe depuis longtemps. En revanche, les consommateurs d'herbe commencent à peine à en parler. L'hexahydrocannabinol est un petit cannabinoïde. En effet, il est naturellement présent dans in amounts that aren't high enough to make it worth extracting. HHC […]

Le CBD pour le syndrome des jambes sans repos : Une solution naturelle

CBD for restless leg syndrome… how could it work? Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs, often accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the limbs. This condition can significantly impact a person's quality of life, making it difficult to relax, sleep, or perform daily activities comfortably. […]

Le CBD pour améliorer la libido (la libido)

Introduction In today's fast-paced world, many individuals experience challenges when it comes to maintaining a satisfying and fulfilling sex life. , hormonal imbalances, , and physical discomfort can all contribute to a decrease in libido and sexual performance. Thankfully, there is a natural and increasingly popular solution that may help. CBD! CBD, short for , […]


Le CBD contre les ulcères - Est-ce utile ?

Ulcers, those painful sores that show up in various areas of the body, can be a relentless source of distress. With their ability to induce burning stomach douleur, swelling, and stinging sensations, they can disrupt our daily lives. However, there is a potential solution worth considering: CBD () supplementation. CBD has remarkable properties that make […]

Pourquoi les personnes âgées devraient-elles prendre du CBD quotidiennement ?

Introduction Why Should Seniors Take CBD Daily? As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and health concerns become more prevalent. Many seniors are turning to alternative wellness solutions to improve their quality of life. One such option is CBD, short for . CBD has gained significant popularity in recent years for its potential health […]

Le CBD peut-il endommager le foie ?

Think very carefully about any changes you might make to your food and other substances you want to start taking. Do they fit in with the way you live? Could they cause problems with any prescription medication you're already taking? Extensive study, along with that of scientists all over the world, has shown that CBD […]

Le CBD pour la narcolepsie - Le CBD peut-il aider à lutter contre la somnolence diurne excessive ?

Living with narcolepsy can be incredibly hard. It disrupts sleep cycles and causes various terrible symptoms. While traditional medications are usually used to manage narcolepsy, many people are turning to CBD as a natural alternative for symptom. In this article, we will dig into the research surrounding CBD's use in narcolepsy and explore its potential […]

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