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6 choses à savoir sur l'huile de CBD pour animaux de compagnie !


Given that we've all been staying home lately, it seemed like a good time to tell you about our four-legged friends and Huile de CBD. In fact, if we think about it, the first time we seriously thought about Le CBD pour les animaux de compagnie was 2 years ago. Since then, CBD is so widely spread, that it is soon to be a normal household item. The benefits are many and side effects are rarely seen. A natural product made with simple, 100% natural ingredients, that you can feel good about giving to your beloved animals. CBD pour animaux de compagnie oil is a natural way to help your furry friends, enjoy the same lifestyle Les bienfaits du CBD that you experience! Below are 6 things you should know about Huile de CBD pour animaux de compagnie.

Accueil " 6 things you should know about L'huile de CBD pour les animaux de compagnie!

Temps de lecture estimé : 9 minutes

1. It is safe to use CBD oil for your pets!

The effects of CBD come from its ability to stimulate the système endocannabinoïde. ECS is involved in the regulation of several bodily functions. This organic system is found in every mammal on earth, meaning that many animals also have it. The ECS is something that we share with our pets. Differences are minute enough, that the effects of CBD on a human and the effects on an animal are extremely similar.

There is a general fear for pet safety when being given CBD. Normally associated with the fact that many people, do not understand the key differences between CBD and THC. It is very easy to mix up the two, as they come from the same group of plants. At first glance, it would appear as though CBD could have psychoactive effects on your pet, similar to THC.

However, this is not the case in reality. The main difference between CBD and is that CBD does not have any intoxicating attributes. The feeling that THC gives us that we call a “high”, is our body reacting to the psychoactive properties of the compound. When ingested by pets, these effects can be dangerous or l'anxiété-inducing. We cannot stress enough: CBD lacks these psychoactive properties, and our pet tinctures are lab tested to ensure less than 0.2% THC is included in the final product.

Perfectly safe to use CBD oil for your pet!

2. Not all CBDs oil are equal!

You really need to be aware when buying Le CBD pour les animaux de compagnie. Know that there is a huge discrepancy between manufacturer. CBD is so new to the market. Many companies out there are taking advantage of the loose regulations, surrounding the nature of the industry.

In other words, they are effectively marketing “chanvre treats” or “CBD pour les chiens” that contains virtually no CBD whatsoever.

They are getting away with this, by using seed extract, rather than actual CBD extract. CBD extract is taken from the leaves and flowers of industrial hemp plants. While hemp seeds contain beneficial plant protein and are highly nutritious in their own right, they don't actually contain any of the CBD compound that is believed to interact with the Système endocannabinoïde.

Read more about the difference between Huile de graines de chanvre and CBD oil ici

Make sure you get your CBD oil from a trusted supplier which has a third party test de laboratoire to show.

3. No CBD oil exclusive to species!

The fact that all mammals have an ECS confirms that the CBD oil you use for your pet, does not have to be specifically made for dogs, cats or horses. It is merely the dosage and the individual pet that counts. You can even use human CBD oil if you don't have anything else available. Some companies don't filter their CBD oil for pets as much as for humans, and that can be the only difference. If you purchase a “homemade” CBD oil, we do not recommend giving it to your pet. The reason for this is the THC contents is not controlled properly. Homemade CBD oil which are not CO2 extracted can contain higher amounts of THC than the legal 0.2% and THC in larger amounts can be toxic for pets.

The only thing you have to be aware of when buying CBD oil for your pet – is the THC contents.

4. Dosage for your pet!

Le vrai dosage de CBD explique l'huile de CBD

There is no clear-cut single number that will tell you Quelle quantité de CBD ? you should be giving your pets.  Individual products will provide you with recommended serving sizes and instructions on how to administer their respective oils and treats. A general rule is:

Typical suggested starting dose: 1 mg – 5 mg CBD per 5 kg (10 lbs) of bodyweight.

Start with a dose on the low end of the range. Changes can occur within 30 min. If there is no change after a day, increase the dosage. Occasionally, improvements will take more than one treatment. To control douleur, give approximately every 8 hours. For other uses, or to break unwanted behaviour patterns, give once or twice a day.

Remember that there is no toxicity associated with CBD oil for pets.

5. Correct CBD oil administration for your pet!

There are several ways to give your pet Huile de CBD.

  • Rub oil on their gums
  • Drops on their paws and they will lick them off
  • Drops on one of their favourite treats
  • Sprinkle Poudre de CBD onto their food
  • Some pets like the CBD and comes running when you get the bottle out
  • Rub some oil on their ears

Choose the best way for YOUR pet – don't give up, it is for their own benefit!

6. CBD oil for Pets overdose!

So what happens when you administer pets too many drops, or they get hold of the whole bottle/pack?

It's important to differentiate CBD oil from cannabis oil, since oil contains high levels of THC and can cause serious clinical signs. Most Friandises au CBD are labelled to contain a specific amount of CBD (often 2.5 or 5 mg/treat) and may claim to contain none or very minimal THC. However, if CBD is present in the treats, there is likely to be some THC in the products.

Most Commonly Reported Signs:

  • Léthargie
  • Ataxia (loss of bodily movement)
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Vomissements
  • Hyperaesthesia (excessive sensitivity)

Treatment in affected pets is largely symptomatic and supportive. Mild cases may be managed at home; more significantly affected pets may benefit from IV fluids and good soins infirmiers care.

If you see any of the above-mentioned symptoms – take Fido to the vet!

A Brief Look at How CBD Can Be Used for Pets

CBD, qui signifie ",” has got a lot of attention in recent years because it might be good for your health. It is usually thought of as something that people use, but it is also being looked at as a way to help our animal friends feel better.

Products made from CBD is often given to pets to treat different illnesses and improve their general health. Many cat owners have said that it helped their furry friends feel better, especially with pain, , , and seizures. CBD works with the système endocannabinoïde in both people and animals. This system is very important for keeping the body in balance.

When giving CBD to pets, it's important to use items that are made just for them. There are different kinds of these items, like huiles, treats, capsuleset topicals. It's important to talk to a vet who knows how to use CBD for pets to figure out the right dose based on things like the pet's size, weight, and health

Tips about CBD for Pets

CBD has shown promise for improving the health of pets, but it's important to use it with care. Not all CBD goods are made the same, and it is very important to keep an eye on quality. Look for CBD goods that have been tested by a third party to make sure they are pure, effective, and safe. Also, it's best to start with a low dose and pay close attention to how your pet reacts before making any changes.

CBD is becoming more and more popular among pet owners, but you should always talk to your vet before giving it to your pet. They can give you special advice based on what your pet needs and help you make decisions about how to use CBD.

FAQ – CBD for Pets

Is it safe to use CBD oil for my pets?

Yes, it is safe to use CBD oil for your pets. CBD does not have psychoactive properties like THC, which means it won't make your pet feel “high.” Our pet tinctures are lab-tested to ensure they contain less than 0.2% THC, making them safe for use.

Are all Huiles de CBD the same for pets?

No, not all CBD oils are the same. There is a huge discrepancy between manufacturers, with some products containing little to no actual CBD. Always choose CBD oil from a trusted supplier that provides third-party lab test results to ensure quality and effectiveness.

Do I need species-specific CBD oil for my pet?

No, CBD oil does not need to be species-specific. All mammals have an endocannabinoid system, so you can use the same CBD oil for different pets. The key difference lies in the dosage, not the formulation.

How do I determine the correct dosage of CBD oil for my pet?

Start with a low dose of 1-5 mg of CBD per 10 lbs (5 kg) of body weight. Monitor your pet's response and gradually increase the dosage if needed. For pain management, give CBD every 8 hours; for other uses, administer once or twice a day.

What should I do if my pet overdoses on CBD oil?

While CBD oil is generally safe and non-toxic, an overdose can cause symptoms like lethargy, loss of coordination, urinary incontinence, vomiting, and hypersensitivity. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet immediately for appropriate care.

Le vrai CBD pour les animaux de compagnie

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