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Inflammation and swelling are natural ways for the body to heal itself. But this process of getting better can sometimes hurt or make you feel sore. Arthritis and other conditions can also cause inflammation.

Inflammation can cause more than just physical Schmerzen. It can also make you feel traurig or less motivated to move around.

You may be like a lot of other people who reach for ibuprofen right away when they have inflammation-related pain. But there is an alternative way to deal with these symptoms that are becoming more and more popular. CBD (Cannabidiol) oil is becoming more and more popular as a way to treat chronische Schmerzen caused by inflammation.

Was ist CBD?

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CBD ist ein Cannabinoid — a compound that comes from the cannabis plant. However, unlike THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), which is another compound found in the cannabis plant, CBD does NOT contain any hallucinogenic effects or the “high” that some claim to get from THC.

Instead, CBD offers soothing, pain-reducing effects without the negative side effects associated with THC. This is why CBD is making an undeniable impact on the medical community. Just within the past couple years, the medical community has been forced to take a very serious look at cannabis, something that may have seemed ridiculous just a few years ago. Let's take a look at CBD for Inflammation…

What is inflammation?

When your body is hurt or comes into contact with something harmful, like a virus, bacteria, or a toxic chemical, it turns on your Immunsystem. Your immune system sends out inflammatory cells and cytokines as its first line of defence (substances that stimulate more inflammatory cells).

These cells start an inflammatory response to catch bacteria and other harmful substances or to heal damaged tissue. This can cause pain, redness, swelling, or bruises. But inflammation affects parts of the body that you can't see.

What's the difference between sudden inflammation and inflammation that lasts for a long time?

There are two different kinds of swelling:

  • Acute inflammation is the body's reaction to sudden damage, like when you cut your finger. Your body sends inflammatory cells to the cut to help it heal. These cells start the process of getting better.
  • Chronic inflammation: Your body keeps sending out cells that cause inflammation even when there is no danger from the outside. For instance, in rheumatoid arthritis, cells and substances that cause inflammation attack the tissues of the joints. This causes inflammation that comes and goes and can damage the joints severely, causing pain and deformities.

Measuring inflammation

When inflammation is present in the body, there will be higher of substances known as biomarkers.

An example of a biomarker is C-reactive protein (CRP). If a doctor wants to test for inflammation, they may assess CRP levels.

CRP levels tend to be higher in older people and those with conditions such as Krebs and obesity. Even diet and exercise may make a difference.

Acute inflammation

Acute inflammation can result from:

  • Exposure to a substance, such as a bee sting or dust
  • Injury
  • Infection

Some factors and infections that can lead to acute inflammation include:

  • Acute bronchitis, appendicitis and other illnesses ending in “-itis”
  • An ingrown toenail
  • Sore throat from a cold or Grippe
  • Physical trauma or wound

Chronic inflammation

Chronic inflammation can develop if a person has:

  • Sensitivity: Inflammation happens when the body senses something that should not be there. Hypersensitivity to an external trigger can result in an allergy.
  • Exposure: Sometimes, long-term, low-level exposure to an irritant, such as an industrial chemical, can result in chronic inflammation.
  • Autoimmune disorders: The immune system mistakenly attacks normal healthy tissue, as in .
  • Autoinflammatory diseases: A genetic factor affects the way the immune system works.
  • Persistent acute inflammation: In some cases, a person may not fully recover from acute inflammation. Sometimes, this can lead to chronic inflammation.

Factors that may increase the risk of chronic inflammation include

Long-term diseases that doctors associate with inflammation include:

  • Asthma
  • Chronic peptic ulcer
  • Tuberculosis
  • Rheumatoide Arthritis
  • Periodontitis
  • Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
  • Sinusitis
  • Active hepatitis

Inflammation plays a vital role in healing, but chronic inflammation may increase the risk of various diseases, including some cancers, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, periodontitis, and .

More from our blog about CBD:

Most common inflammation diseases

Fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease can be caused by poor diet, which can set off an inflammatory response. Unchecked,  this response can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, Leberversagen, and can ultimately result in death.


Tissue similar to the uterus lining grows in other parts of the body, such as the abdominal cavity, where the resulting inflammation can cause excruciating pain. The disease can be better managed by addressing pro-inflammatory factors.


Low-grade inflammation is common in type 2 Diabetes sufferers, but we are only beginning to understand the role inflammation may play in the development of the disease.

Type 1 diabetes

The immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Symptoms include increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue and blurred vision.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Umbrella term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. The immune system attacks the gut lining causing Diarrhöe, abdominal pain, fever and weight loss.


Inflammation causes the lining of the airways to swell, narrowing them and making breathing difficult. It also causes the airways to produce more mucus and makes them more sensitive to asthma triggers.

Rheumatoide Arthritis

A painful condition associated with inflammation in the joints. In advanced cases, it can cause damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, Haut, eyes and other tissues.


the-real-cbd-blog-CBD oil for obesity

With obesity, there is an over-accumulation of fatty tissue, which produces and releases a variety of inflammatory messengers, making obesity an underlying condition for many inflammatory and metabolic diseases.

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases

Over the past decade, inflammation due to a sustained immune response in the brain has been linked to these two progressive neurodegenerative disorders.


Inflammation caused by chronic infection, inflammatory diseases or environmental factors plays a multi-faceted role in certain cancers, as a primary cause and by helping tumours grow and spread.

How can CBD help with Inflammation?

CBD could interact with receptors that sense pain und Entzündungen.

In response to CBD, the body goes through many changes that affect how it works. Most of these are caused by interactions between brain receptors at the level of the nervous system.

A receptor is, in simple terms, a protein that binds to a certain molecule. In this case, the molecule in question is CBD.

There are two main receptors in the brain that affect how we feel pain and how our bodies react to it. These receptors are called TRPV1 and GPR55.

  • TRPV1-Rezeptoren are where CBD is said to work best. CBD binds to these receptors and turns them on. Pain can be lessened by active TRPV1 receptors, which can also reduce inflammation.
  • GPR55, a very common receptor in the brain, is the next important receptor that CBD interacts with. When this receptor is turned on, it helps our bones break down naturally. This receptor can sometimes work too much, which can lead to .

CBD is a GPR55 antagonist, which means it blocks the activity of this receptor. This can make bones stronger and may even stop cancer cells from spreading.

Is CBD Clinically Proven When Treating Pain and Inflammation?

CBD research is still in its infancy when it comes to human trials. Fortunately, studies involving animals show promising results.

Nach Angaben von ClinicalTrials.gov, there are over 220 potential studies being commissioned regarding the effects of CBD on numerous aspects of human health!

One study done on arthritic mice zeigte, dass “CBD was administered after onset of clinical symptoms, and in both models of arthritis the treatment effectively blocked progression of arthritis.”

A separate scientific study festgestellt, dass CBD administered transdermal alleviated both inflammation and pain-related behaviours in the rat model of arthritis.

Pain and inflammation can be treated well with physical therapy and CBD.

Massage mit CBD-Öl

Even though inflammation is more likely to happen as you get older, that doesn't mean you should let it slow you down.

When inflammation lasts for a long time, it usually does a lot of damage to the bones. It often speeds up the way our bodies break down.

Finding ways to lower inflammation in the body as a whole is important for staying healthy for a long time. These ways are either on the surface and caused by an injury or deep in the body because of an overactive immune response.

Unfortunately, many of the drugs used to treat inflammation, like prednisone, can cause bad reactions and side effects that aren't fun. CBD could be a safer alternative, and more and more research shows that it can help reduce inflammation.

How does CBD for inflammation work?

CBD doesn't get rid of the need to exercise to deal with inflammation. It can, however, help relieve pain and make exercise more effective.

Another way to deal with inflammation and the pain it causes is through physical therapy. With targeted exercises, the goal is to improve range of motion and lessen pain caused by inflammation. These exercises help move the joints and muscles around them.

Most of the time, CBD has few side effects. But there is always a chance of getting sick when you take a new supplement like CBD. CBD is very mild compared to corticosteroids like Prednisone, but it has been known to cause side effects like dry mouth, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, drowsiness, and tiredness in some people.

The World Health Organization says that CBD is generally well tolerated and has no effects that could lead to abuse or dependence.

CBD could affect how your body reacts to other medicines you might be taking. Always talk to your doctor before adding something new to your routine.

CBD-Produkte gegen Entzündungen

Tinctures and oils with Cannabidiol


CBD-Öle are usually sold as liquids or Kapseln. You can take the extracts on their own or use the dropper to add them to food or drinks. Most of the time, you put liquid tinctures right under your tongue.

“Oils are usually taken at lower concentrations than tinctures. This means that if you took 1 milliliter of tincture, the concentration would need to be lowered to 0.5 milliliters. A good rule of thumb is to start with a small dose (0.25 milliliters) and slowly increase it over time.


CBD-Produkte that can be eaten are quickly becoming very popular. This is likely because they are easy to use and taste good. When it comes to edibles, you have a lot of choices in terms of taste, potency, and price. They have everything, from Gummibärchen to cookies, chocolate, and even granola bars.

Topical with CBD


CBD can also be found in creams and salves that are put on the skin. Lotions, creams, and ointments are often used. CBD products that you put on your skin can help with muscle pain, Gelenkschmerzen, or nerve pain.

CBD that is put on the skin is one of the harder ways to figure out how much to take. Not only does the strength depend on the product, but it also changes based on how much you use each time. It's important to carefully follow what the manufacturer says to do.

How can runners use CBD for joint pain and inflammation?

CBD-Öl gegen Gelenkschmerzen

CBD for runners is an effective tool for improving recovery which means better training and bigger results.

One 2016 study in arthritic rats, found that it significantly reduced joint swelling and pain ratings, without the side effects of other drugs! Nice.

  • It is not a performance enhancer like a steroid
  • It can enhance performance by reducing nerves

Of course, that's just one study, but there are many more underway like using CBD to reduce without the high. This is actually something that many consistent users often report.

Regular runners know that getting their muscles to recover quickly is the key to doing well. By speeding up the recovery process, muscles can grow and repair themselves better. With the help of CBD, athletes can recover faster after a run.

  • Injury risk goes down because CBD has been shown to reduce inflammation in your joints. This can help reduce pain, injury risk, and stiffness after a run. This is especially important for runners, who are more likely to hurt or hurt their knees.
  • Less inflammation in the muscles. CBD's properties help muscles heal well by reducing pain, swelling, and weakness.
  • Besserer Schlaf because CBD calms the body and mind. Reducing anxiety and stress makes it easier to sleep, which is a key part of how muscles heal.

Best CBD dosage for Inflammation

The amount of CBD in a product is given in milligrams. There are no set guidelines for CBD concentration. This makes it a little harder to figure out how much you should take. You need to think about your weight, what you're trying to treat, and how concentrated the product is.

What you're using it for and what form you're taking will affect how much you should take. Don't forget that the way something is given affects how quickly it works. In general, it takes between 30 and 60 minutes for edibles, oils, and capsules to work. If you smoke or vape CBD, it will happen much faster because the CBD goes straight into your bloodstream instead of your digestive system.

CBD doses will vary depending on the condition

Die wahre CBD-Dosierung Erklärung CBD-Öl

In general, the dosage of CBD depends on the disease and how well CBD can treat it. There are many different dosage levels for CBD treatments that have been studied. In clinical studies, the daily doses taken by mouth ranged from 100 to 800 milligrams. Some people give doses of about 40 milligrams. The symptoms of anxiety were lessened by 300 to 600 milligrams of CBD, according to a Studie 2019 on CBD and anxiety. But that study only looked at 57 adult men.

Dr. Kimberley Langdon MD board-certified says: “For generalized anxiety or sleep problems, you should take 25 to 75 milligrams per day. For PTSD, you should take 33 to 50 milligrams per day. If a person has a lot of anxiety, the dose could be raised to 300 to 600 milligrams. If the pain is caused by chemotherapy, the patient should take 50 to 60 milligrams, with a maximum daily dose of 600 milligrams.

Your body will tell you wie viel CBD is best for you. The right dose for you will depend on how much you weigh and what other medicines you are taking.

If you are taking Blood thinning medication (not Aspirin) read more here before you start taking CBD

Can too much CBD be bad?

A clinical review of studies showed that people can handle doses of up to 1,500 mg per day. We want to make it clear that CBD-Dosierung research is still very new, so there isn't much we can say about how much is too much for different people. We need to do more research before we can say for sure what dosage is best for each condition.

CBD products don't seem to have a lot of known side effects. Even though people have said they felt tired, had diarrhea, and lost their appetite. FSA (UK Food Standart Agency) says that CBD can hurt your liver and might interact with other prescription drugs you are taking.

When you first start taking CBD, it's best to build up your dose slowly so you can see how it affects you.

Don't let pain and inflammation run your life any longer. Speak with one of our consultants today and see if CBD is right for you!

We recommend CBD for Inflammation

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