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Home » Pure CBD oil for Runners

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Runners and other athletes’ bodies do have special needs. The intense daily workout can put a huge strain on various muscle groups in the body while preparing for a major race or competition.  Pure CBD oil for runners can help improve recovery from pain, muscle recovery, and other effects of intense physical training.

Pure CBD oil, or cannabidiol, is one of the more than 114 cannabinoids found in . It interacts directly with your endocannabinoid system to make your own body the ultimate “healing” machine.

10 reasons why runners should use CBD products

CBD is commonly used as a pain reliever. It’s mainly helpful when runners need quick relief from pain during or immediately after a workout.

Pure CBD binds to the body’s endocannabinoid receptors in various parts of the body, resulting in a reduction in the sensation of pain in the brain and muscles. Endocannabinoid receptors also increase anandamide levels, which, in turn, produce a pain-killing effect.

Pure CBD Prevent Inflammation

Runners and other athletes face the problem of almost every day they practice or do hard physical exercise. Instead of using well-known creams that can have a burning sensation, CBD topical creams can provide fast, soothing relief.

Pure CBD oil works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Using CBD balm and oil in conjunction can prevent joint injury. CBD can suppress swelling by decreasing the rate at which specific skin cells multiply. The cannabinoids in pure CBD oil can also inhibit the production of cytokines (a small category of proteins that are used in cell signaling).

Sleep and Relax for Full Muscle Recovery with CBD

Cannabinoids in hemp can have a sedative effect on most users. Taking hemp drops with min. The 10% CBD Oil can provide a better sedative effect than popular sedative drugs. Athletes and Runners who enjoy deep sleep from CBD will experience better muscle recovery and faster muscle growth. When combined with MCT oil you will get double the benefits for muscle recovery.

Eliminate Nausea

After training hard for hours, athletes can feel a nauseating sensation coming from their stomachs. Pure CBD oil has well-known anti-emetic effects that can prevent vomiting.

The gastrointestinal tract has its own endocannabinoid receptors that bind to the cannabinoids in CBD oil. The fastest relief usually comes by vaping. Runners may also use CBD oil tinctures to avoid the irritating effect of inhaling CBD.

CBD can Reduce Cramps and Muscle Spasms

CBD Spain

Athletes and runners can often experience muscle spasms and cramps due to repeated use of the same muscles. Muscle spasms are contractions, which take place suddenly without the control of the person involved. They could last for a short time or be long and crippling.

Applying CBD to the affected muscles can provide pain relief. CBD oil or topical creams can cut the pain and make the muscles relax.

CBD topicals work on virtually all muscle groups, including the neck, arms, glutes, legs, and other parts of the body. It will diminish cramps and spasms by reducing the inflammation that occurs around strained or injured muscles.

The cannabinoids in CBD oil connect the endocannabinoid receptors and alter the body’s inflammatory response. This provides an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents any further damage to the muscles and surrounding tissues.

Protect the Brain From Damage

Professional players, especially those who play contact sports like football, boxing, and hockey, need to be very careful about brain damage. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, is a disease that can be caused by repeated hits to the head. It is marked by a buildup of tau protein in the brain.

CTE can cause a wide range of symptoms, such as memory loss, sadness, anxiety, and aggression. It can also cause dementia and even suicide in some people. Studies have shown that people who play games with contact are more likely to get CTE than those who don’t.

Professional athletes should protect their brains by doing things like wearing protective gear and using the right skills while playing. Also, organizations and leagues can work to make rules and regulations that make players safer and lower the risk of head injuries.

In addition to reducing inflammation around muscles, CBD can also reduce inflammation in vital organs such as the brain, heart, and lungs. Athletes who take Pure CBD oil before having a traumatic brain injury are more likely to survive than those who don’t. Any athlete who suffers a severe brain injury can avoid a severe concussion by using a hemp oil product like CBD oil.

To Recover Faster From Injuries


Shin splinters and torn ligaments are common injuries of runners.

Muscle Damage and Repair

Running places significant stress on our muscles, which can lead to microscopic damage to our muscle fibers. This damage can cause muscle soreness and stiffness, which can take a few days to heal. However, our body has a natural repair process in place to repair and rebuild our muscle fibers, making them stronger and more resilient to future exercise.

Benefits of Running on Our Muscles

Despite the physiological stresses that occur in our muscles when we run, running also offers numerous benefits for our muscles and overall health, including:

  • Increased muscle strength and endurance
  • Improved muscle tone and definition
  • Reduced risk of muscle loss and sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss)
  • Improved joint health and mobility
  • Increased bone density
  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity

When athletes are injured, their instinct would be to reach for over-the-counter painkillers like Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Such painkillers will provide temporary relief from pain, but they have no impact on the time it takes to recover.

Taking CBD products not only stops the pain, but it helps the body recover faster. CBD can improve the healing of all tissues and cells in the body because of its interaction with the .

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Pure CBD can Boost the Immune System

Most athletes train hard in the weeks before important events. Long-term exercise may have some bad effects on the body, such as making the body less able to fight off infections. CBD goods might be good for the . Hemp can help the body fight infections because it contains a lot of antioxidants. Because antioxidants also help keep the heart healthy, they make it easier for athletes to deal with the stress of training and still do well.

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Managing Pre-Run Anxiety

and pre-race jitters are common among runners, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting. CBD oil can be a game-changer here. It interacts with receptors in the brain that regulate stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm without the drowsiness that comes with some traditional anti-anxiety medications.

Pain Relief and Recovery

Runners often experience muscle soreness and inflammation due to the repetitive nature of the sport. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can help alleviate these issues, allowing you to recover faster and get back on the track sooner. Additionally, it can provide natural pain relief, reducing the need for over-the-counter painkillers that may have side effects.

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Improved Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is crucial for athletes, as it’s when the body repairs and regenerates. CBD can help regulate your sleep patterns, ensuring you get the restorative sleep you need for peak performance. Say goodbye to restless nights and hello to more energy on your morning run.

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Enhanced Focus and Concentration

Running requires mental as well as physical stamina. CBD has been shown to enhance focus and concentration, helping you stay in the zone during your training sessions and races. It does this by modulating neurotransmitters that affect cognitive function.

Minimizing Digestive Issues

Long-distance runners often struggle with nausea and digestive discomfort. CBD can provide relief by interacting with the body’s serotonin receptors, helping to control nausea and improve digestion. This means fewer interruptions during your runs and a more pleasant overall experience.

Prevent Game Day Anxiety

Anxiety and nerves can set you back on your performance! As a game day or an important competition is drawing closer,  it’s common for athletes to get a bit nervous. But they can reduce this anxiety by taking pure CBD oil, which is also a potent anti-depressant.

If this is the main freight for the athlete, The Real CBD recommends taking CBD/MCT oil 18% for a minimum of 2 weeks before the competition. This is to fill up the endocannabinoid system – it will make you calmer, more focused, and in top form for your important day.

Lower cortisol levels with CBD/MCT oil

MCT/CBD oil is available in 18% and 7% strength depending on how often you train. After trials on several runners and professional sportspeople, we have seen a significant decrease in their cortisol levels. CBD oil (that’s the form of the most popular CBD extracts) has a surprising effect in terms of its ability to reduce stress. In fact, CBD was found in a study to interfere with the secretion of cortisol, reducing blood levels significantly.  

Your endocrine system consists of glands throughout your body that regulate everything from energy levels to metabolism to sex drive. One major function of this system is to produce excitation in response to stress, which is of course necessary for survival, but when it gets out of hand it can be a source of excess stress.

One big effect of cannabidiol in the endocrine system seems to be to protect against excess stress by reducing susceptibility to stress-induced activity i.e. the release of the hormone cortisol. CBD significantly decreases cortisol levels.

What to look for when buying CBD oil!

It is important to know what CBD oil you are buying. Spending a little time researching the company or brand you chose is well worth it. Make sure that the company offers a thirty-party lab test that contains ALL the cannabinoids incl. the legal amount of THC. This is necessary to get the “entourage effect” because all the cannabinoids work together. If you can find some genuine testimonials or reviews from Trust Pilot; you can judge yourself if the company is trustworthy.

Usually “you get what you pay for”. If you find an oil dead cheap, it most probably does not have the CBD in it that it states. The is an expensive process and when you use the hemp flowers only (not the stalks and leaves) you need a lot to get a small amount of concentrated CBD. Read more about what to look for when you buy pure CBD oil here

Personalized Consultations

We believe in a holistic approach to wellness, which is why we offer free consultations with our cannabis experts. Whether you’re new to CBD or have specific questions about its use for running, our experts can provide personalized guidance to help you make informed choices.

In conclusion, CBD oil holds immense promise for runners looking to optimize their performance and overall well-being. Its natural properties can address various challenges that runners face, from anxiety and pain relief to improved sleep and focus. The Real CBD is committed to delivering trustworthy products, we invite you to explore the benefits of CBD oil and discover how it can elevate your running experience.

Remember, when it comes to CBD, quality matters. Choose products from reputable sources that provide third-party lab testing and ensure that what’s on the label matches what’s in the bottle. With the right CBD product and a dedicated training regimen, you can unlock your full running potential.

The Real CBD oil for runners

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