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Les vraies capsules de poudre de CBD contre l'huile de CBD Quelle est la différence ?

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The introduction of our brand-new Capsules de poudre de CBD has not gone unnoticed. Nevertheless, many people wonder what the big difference is between La vraie CBD in the powder form and the traditional Huile de CBD in tinctures.

CBD powder capsules versus CBD Oil

To make life easy, which we love doing here at La vraie CBD, we list all the major differences between CBD en poudre (Capsules) et Huile de CBD. We also debunk a few myths about CBD powder capsules and some common misunderstandings about this relatively new product in the CBD-sphere.

  • CBD Powder is more versatile
  • CBD powder capsules works quicker
  • CBD powder capsules has no smell or taste
  • CBD Powder is smaller to carry
  • CBD powder capsules is easier to take
  • CBD powder capsules has higher biodisponibilité  than CBD Oil – you need less for better results

How to take CBD Powder Capsules

CBD powder capsules Myths and Misunderstandings

Résultats du test de la poudre de CBD The Real CBD

CBD powder capsules is not Spectre complet

That is partly true for other brands on the market because the Capsules de poudre de CBD (other than The Real CBD) often use products that are Isolats de CBD. Continue reading to learn more about the difference between Isolate CBD, Large spectre et CBD à spectre complet.

CBD powder capsules is not working as well as CBD Oil

Well…. If the CBD powder capsules you use is Spectre complet, it works as well as oil. The Real CBD Powder works better because the body absorbs more than when you use the oil. The particle size of the CBD oil is 2000 micro meters and the CBD in our Micro Encapsulated CBD powder capsules is 89 micro meters. Think of it as fine sieve….the smaller the particles the more goes through the sieve.

The  Real CBD powder capsules mix easily in your drinks or food and help you or your pet maintain homéostasie.

The difference between Isolate CBD, et CBD à spectre complet

If you are looking for CBD oil, you will come across the terms ‘Full Spectrum CBD' and ‘Isolate CBD' on a regular basis. What do these terms mean, and what is the difference between Full Spectrum, Large spectre and Isolate?

Plus d'informations sur notre blog :

L'isolat de CBD est une huile de CBD pure à 99,91 %.

Au cours de la extraction process, everything contained in the plant matter is removed, including any traces of THCterpènes, waxes, oils, chlorophyll and more. What you're left with is pure CBD…and nothing else.

Huile de CBD à spectre complet

Huile de CBD à spectre complet, on the other hand, contains everything the plant contains. CBD à spectre complet is full of all the terpènescannabinoïdes, flavonoids.

Huile de CBD à large spectre

L'huile de cocaïne réelle - Infographie - Spectre complet de l'huile de cocaïne

This is a little bit of both. Broad-spectrum CBD is without any THC.

Full Spectrum CBD contains a full profile of cannabinoïdes present in the plant. These include CBG, CBDA, CBC, CBGA, and so on. All chanvre products must have a THC percentage lower than 0.2% in order to be sold legally in most of Europe.

Why should you choose a Full Spectrum CBD Oil?

This has everything to do with the effet d'entourage. Tous together in the Full Spectrum CBD influence each other, so this effect occurs. This effect refers to how all the components together are stronger than when taken independently.

In addition to all the different cannabinoïdes, also contains other substances, such as terpènes, vitamins, chlorophyll and flavonoids. These different substances also have their own special properties.

Here at The Real CBD we believe that Full Spectrum CBD is the best option – We do however have THC free products for countries that do not allow any THC. 

Conclusion – CBD powder capsules vs. CBD oil

When choosing between Capsules de CBD and CBD oil, it's important to think about your personal tastes and how you live your life. CBD comes in capsules, which makes it easy to add the drug to your daily routine without drawing attention to yourself. They are great for people who are always on the go because the doses are already measured, so there is no need to measure or count out drips.

On the other hand, CBD oil gives you more flexibility and better control over how much you take. When you put it under your tongue, it gets absorbed faster, which helps the affected area feel better quickly. CBD oil is also easy to mix with other things, like drinks or food, which gives it a wide range of uses. In the end, the choice between CBD pills and CBD oil should come down to what each person needs and what they prefer.

Discover our Full Spectrum Products

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