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Faut-il acheter du CBD localement ou en ligne (Amazon) ?

Faut-il acheter du cbd en ligne ? Ou dans un magasin local ?

Marbella, Spain – Buying Huile de CBD or other (CBD) products is these days is a piece of cake. But how do you know if you are buying high-quality CBD? How can you be sure, that what you buy is safe? Can you buy CBD safe online? Is it really CBD à spectre complet or organic chanvre seed oil that I am buying? In this article, we will discuss some of the most important things to pay attention to, in order to make sure you buy a quality cannabidiol product with the content that the label describes. Go to the bottom of this page to view our recommended Produits CBD.

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1. Check references and testimonials

Check social media, Trustpilot reviews and Google Reviews to discover what other people say about the CBD brand before buying CBD oil from this company. Important to understand is also the fact that all CBD distributors are different. One company could be specialized in topical CBD products, while the other is renowned for its products against pain.

Take some time to dig deeper into the company's DNA to discover its core product offering and service related to these products. In the world of CBD, this can make ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Topics to consider are, for example:

2. Check for lab tests

Isolats de CBD 99%

Understand what you're buying. The only way you can do that is by viewing rapports et certificats. See if the oil is prepared with from an organic crop, if not: what about the pesticides? What carrier oil has been used to turn CBD pur into an end product?

Furthermore, when extracting CBD from the hemp plant, it is important that they use a productive extraction process such as CO2: a low temperature in combination with a high-pressure technique. By means of this technique, the manufacturer is able to capture CO2 in a liquid state and extraire efficacement le CBD et terpènes.

Si un Marque ou distributeur de CBD operates correctly, it has the unprocessed substance tested in a laboratory and then turns it into a good end product.

Read more about CBD and how to read a lab test here

3. When you buy online, is the website safe?

When you are looking for a boutique en ligne ou online store that sells reliable CBD products, check the website for details thoroughly. Of course, this does say something about the quality in terms of delivery and other services of a shop (which is not unimportant!)

4. How to recognize quality CBD?

Nevertheless, you can recognize a reliable webshop with CBD produits by the information it contains. An online CBD store that sells quality also wants to let its customer know they know what they are doing. You will easily find all information about the origin and preparation of the CBD oil. A salesman with a bit of passion will also be happy to give the customer-tailored advice. This is something that is certainly, for the starting CBD user, an important part of successful experience with CBD oil!

So if you have any doubts, feel free to send the salesperson or contact person an e-mail with your questions. Needless to say, the references from point 1 should be taken into consideration alongside this information.

5. Cheap CBD Oil: Too good to be true

Cheap is often expensive in the case of buying Huile de CBD. You can buy a bottle of CBD oil for 10 euros from a herbal shop of about 2.5%. However, this oil has been heated (which doesn't do the substances any good). It's thick and viscous, so it's hard to get it out of the bottle. Moreover, there's no reference to quality control anywhere; something that's nice to take a look at, right?  Who or what guarantees that there is actually a certain percentage of CBD in the oil?

When you go to the more expensive brands, you can see the quality checks on the website, and you will also find information about the origin, independent lab tests, and certificates.

Faut-il acheter de l'huile de CBD sur Amazon ?

VIDEO: Why is CBD so expensive?

6. Check THC levels

Of course, there are people who will be more than happy when there is more than the legally permitted 0.2%  in their CBD oil. Yet many of the CBD users are not. As a matter of fact, most people don't appreciate the psychoactive effect of THC.

The only way to really be sure of the percentage of THC in the oil is a test report from a laboratory. Most oils that contain too much THC just don't have that.

More from our blog about CBD

The verdict: Buy CBD in a local store or online?

Every self-respecting CBD webshop greatly values the safety of the products they sell. That is why they only do business with reputable producers of CBD products. These are producers who have had their products extensively tested by independent parties. This way, the CBD company can guarantee the safety and quality of the CBD oil they offer. This is what you should be looking at when you decide to try CBD Oil, topicals, or any other hemp-related product. Irrespective of buying CBD online or in a local store, the thump rule should be: Quality and safety first, service and support come at a very close second. Only then you can start to worry about pricing…

Frequently asked questions about CBD

Is CBD oil safe to use?

The use of CBD oil is 100% safe in almost all medical conditions tested to date. People using blood-thinning medicine should be careful and consult their doctor before taking CBD oil.  For most medical conditions studied by scientists, CBD did not have a negative side effect. It should be noted, however, that for many medical conditions the effect of CBD has not yet been investigated. The medicinal potential of CBD is a relatively young discovery, so a lot of medical research in this field is still in progress.
If scientific research leads to new insights, we will certainly inform you as a reader.

How do you know if the product is full-spectrum?

In this case, ask for the laboratory reports and look at the number of different cannabinoïdes for which the product is being tested. You should be able to see all the in the report, not only CBD. The cannabinoïdes the report will show should be CBD, CBG, CBNCBC, THCV and THC. These are the most common cannabinoids for which a natural hemp extract is tested.

I have heard of Poudre de CBD, but what is it exactly?

Water-soluble CBD Powder is a relatively new product on the market. As a result, not many people are aware of its power and benefits ( NO SMELL/NO TASTE) For all information, please read this article we published earlier

Which CBD Products should you start with?

Would you like more information about a single product or product category? Click on the product to view all ingredients and descriptions. For more information about Dosage du CBD, we recommend reading our CBD dosage page. For personal advice, please do not hesitate to contact us by using the large contact button in the header or by clicking this link.

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