
Ist CBD-Öl süchtig machend?

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With an ever-increasing number of people turning to CBD as part of a new and healthier lifestyle, many people ask, “Is CBD Oil addictive?”. Thankfully, the short answer is a resounding NO! But, as with all things, this short answer can require some further explanation!

COVID-19 and an Addiction Epidemic

There is a growing problem with addiction and the catastrophic damage it can cause to people's lives all around the world. Following the (ongoing) COVID-19 pandemic, health experts have warned of an addiction crisis as people cannot get the help they need to deal with drink, drug, and other substance addictions.
Die pandemic has seen many people go through lengthy periods unable to work and shut away from society in their homes, away from family and friends. This has caused increased levels of drink and drug dependency as people turn to them to get through the day. As well as this, other less apparent addictions have soared, including food addiction, gambling addiction and social media addiction.

However, the good news is that as society starts to re-open. Many people now realize they need to make positive lifestyle changes both physically and mentally to get back on track. CBD-Produkte have vastly improved in their recognition as all-around well-being products. As a result, more and more people are turning to them to assist their wellness journeys.
So, it's only natural to see a spike in the level of people concerned about the addictiveness of CBD-Produkte.

What is Addiction?

Addiction is defined simply as the inability to stop using a substance or behaviour that is causing you either physical or psychological harm.

So, Is CBD Addictive?

Whilst there is an ongoing debate about dependency and the extent to which it exists; CBD use has yet to show any signs or symptoms associated with addiction.

The World Health Organisation state in 2017:

“…evidence from well-controlled human experimental research indicates that CBD is not associated with abuse potential.”

In fact, CBD has been trialled as a potential source for lowering the rates of certain drug addictions and relapse. Here including cocaine and methamphetamines, with positive results!

A review of addiction literature surrounding CBD by the Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment Journal in 2015 stated that:

“A limited number of preclinical studies suggest that CBD may have therapeutic properties on opioid, cocaine, and psychostimulant addiction, and some preliminary data suggest that it may be beneficial in cannabis and tobacco addiction in humans.”

So Why Does This Question Arise Time and Time Again?

The truth is that addiction and addictive behaviors are very rarely limited to a single substance or thing. Instead, they often end up being applied to various areas of a person's life. So it is sensible for someone who suffers from an addiction of any form, to be hesitant when using a new substance. And with the rising number of people suffering from addiction in one form or another, it is only natural to see this question popping up more often.


The fact that CBD is associated with the cannabis plant, is usually the central area of people's concern.

For some people, cannabis use can become an addiction. There is some level of debate around the exact cause of the addiction. It is widely accepted that it is the compound and associated feelings it creates, that are the source of the addiction. This is because it's the THC gefunden in Cannabis that gives you the ‘high' when it's consumed.

However, CBD produced and sold in the UK and EU is derived from the plant. These plants are remarkably similar to cannabis. However, they have significantly lower levels of THC. In the UK and the EU, THC levels legally must remain under 0.2%, which is nowhere near enough to feel an effect or cause addiction.


Also, in relation to the 2015 study mentioned above, CBD has been shown to reduce THC's impact. When consumed, THC overstimulates the ERK pathway in your brain, producing a dopamine rush (dopamine is the feel-good chemical in your brain). Dopamine releases in the brain are one of the main reasons responsible for both substance addiction and behavioural addiction. When taken, CBD acts almost like a blocker in this same pathway, which may be partly responsible for its ability to reduce cannabis dependency.

In the USA, in certain states, it is legal to consume cannabis and THC. As a result, some CBD-Öle and products contain much higher THC levels than in the UK and EU. Therefore, if you are reading this from the USA, you should always check THC levels if you are concerned about the addiction potential of any CBD product you buy!


Mehr aus unserem Blog:

Can I Take CBD as a Recovering Addict?

Depending on your recovery program, you should always consult your qualified physician before beginning to take a new substance. As we have laid out above, CBD has never been shown to be associated with addictive behaviours or dependency. But you can never be too safe where your health is concerned.

Der Bereich der positive health benefits that can be experienced from taking CBD oil is huge. If you are looking to get your physical and mental health back on track, CBD may just prove to be a fantastic accompaniment to your whole life well-being program and may make the road to recovery from addiction that little bit easier as a result.

Some of the benefits include:

Hopefully, this article has set your mind at ease if you had concerns about the activeness of CBD-Produkte. If you have any further questions relating to this post or anything else CBD related, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our fabulous team!

Thank you for reading – Is CBD Oil Addictive? – by Das echte CBD.

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