Tag Archive for: Stress

Read all about Stress

This page is concentrating on CBD for stress. Here at The Real CBD, we write weekly articles about different ailments and how CBD products can have a positive impact on your life in general. We chose lifestyle conditions people typically suffer from and may take prescription medication for.

What is Stress?

Stress is a normal response of the mind and body to the pressures of life. A little bit of stress can be good because it can push you to do your best. But many things you have to do every day, like sitting in traffic, meeting deadlines, and paying bills, can make you feel like you can’t handle it anymore.

Your brain is built with a built-in alarm system to keep you safe. When your brain thinks there is a threat, it tells your body to send out a rush of hormones that make your heart beat faster and your blood pressure go up. This “fight-or-flight” reaction gives you the energy you need to deal with the danger.

CBD oil can help you manage your stress

What other things can CBD help with?

CBD can help with:

If you have any questions regarding CBD for stress feel free to contact us at [email protected]

We are a family-owned business with a focus on customer service and giving the best advice possible. After 4 years in the business (since Aug. 2017) we pride ourselves in having experience and knowledge about CBDs healing properties on the most common conditions.


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